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Remove or Modify the recently added Anti-Xray plugin
There is a new plugin to impede X-Rayers that has been implemented recently. It is however, my opinon and conclusion that this plugin was not implemented correctly and at it's current state is impeding mining on the server.

Haste II Mining
When breaking stone this plugin generates fake ores when new blocks become uncovered. This requires both client and server to use extra resources to process what is happening, and can result in terrible performance client-side; FPS drops immediately and repetitively. Along with the game slowing from normal performance this plugin also slows the human player because the false-ores are a disturbance to our concentration and decision making.
From what I've mined through, it's nearly unplayable.

If you are blessed to have a good computer, then you'll likely be mining down a tunnel and think you've just uncovered some diamonds, only for them to disappear in an instant leaving you confused and honestly feeling upset and tricked - over and over again.

All of this makes me not want to mine, and I know there are other people who feel similar - that this ruins a vanilla aspect of gameplay. What happens over time if no one wants to mine, will beacons retain their worth, will people endeavour mining at a snail's pace, will vaults of minerals be opened to disperse among the players who require it?
...or will something change?

I urge both players and staff to think hard about the impacts this plugin is having and maybe investigate making configuration changes if at all possible, or in my eyes what is the best solution - letting people mine unobstructed; maintaining a Zero-tolerance xray policy...maybe increasing the punishments for Xraying...?
Everything is Panda
Completely agree, this plugin does absolutely nothing to stop xraying as a player could toggle it on to see where the ores are then just mine straight to them the same way they normally would.

The only thing this plugin does in my view is make it a huge pain in the ass to actually mine with the new lag it creates on top of the old existing block lag, plus the flashing ores making you think you found stuff you didn't.
Agree 100 %. After being a fair hard working miner for almost 2 months and trying to climb the baltop, and given the fact that beacon mining with haste II is one of the best way to do so in vanilla mc, ruining such a good way of earning money won't do any good for anyone that beacon mines at all. It throws bunch of fake ores in your face and beacon mining will now take 2 times as much as it used to ... first you'd have to mine out a tunnel and then backtrack all the way to see what actual ores are there ... which is just ... not good (lets keep it at that). Also i think its fair to mention I've been on the server for more than 6 months now, and never before have i felt the need to register to the forums nor complain about anything major, but this ... uuuh it just pisses me off, and im not the only one.

Also not to mention there are (as far as I'm aware) better anti-xray plugins that mask the hidden ores as stone instead of masking NON-hidden stone you mine as all sorts of ores and messing with hard working ppl, not to mention if this is the orebfuscator it also causes quite a bit of lag to top it all off.
Agreed. It's annoying as all hell and it just flat out ruins haste mining. Every time I try haste mining it flashes ores in front of me and makes me think I found diamonds and throws me completely off-track along with slowing me down. Pain in the ass.
Agreed, I have an additional issue of having sensory processing issues and the additional input of the flashing/changing ores is really causing me issues. I'm currently trying to compile a video of what it looks like on my computer in case it might not be showing on the staff end as much

Edit: Also I do think it's good to point out that we are not in any way upset that staff is trying to implement new anti-x-ray plug-ins. We all hate it when people x-ray and totally understand the toll x-rayers currently take on staff time and resources, and we don't think that this was implemented purposefully to annoy people either- But I think this is an unintended side effect that greatly impacts a lot of strong, committed players; not necessarily just the long time ones either. I started beacon mining at regular rank and if this were the situation I would have found a new server. I am totally for finding something to reduce the x-rayers, but I'm worried about the impact this particular solution is going to have both on current players and incoming players
The plugin has currently been removed and we are implementing something else. 
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for being patient.
[Image: image0.jpg]

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