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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on: SMP

Minecraft name: JakeRGN

Reason for your ban: Encouraging rule breaking, dismissing staff warnings, general inappropriateness in chat

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned: I have taken time to reflect on my actions, and it's very clear that my previous actions were rude and disrespectful. I have made sure that I am able to stick to what I say and keep my behavior on the server together as not to offend or hurt any other players. I think I can prove to both the staff and the community that I can be polite and civil with everyone, and I would like to do more to help others out around the server. Although I have been banned before, and I understand my chances of being unbanned are slim, however I know I can right my wrongs and compensate for anyone I may have offended or angered during my time on the server. Regarding the ban I genuinely can't remember what happened and I don't believe I was sober, but I apologize to any of the staff or community who were effected, or offended by my rudeness.

Why do you want to come back: Hometown has a friendly community (which I would like to be a part of again) and I have genuinely learned from my mistakes. I'm sure I can correct all of my wrongdoings and give back to the community and become a respectful and hopefully respected member of the community once again. We all make mistakes and I'm sure I've learned from mine Smile

Thank you for your time.
One thing that confuses me about this appeal is that you said "I genuinely can't remember what happened and I don't believe I was sober," but prior to that you had said "I have taken time to reflect on my actions," so tell me, how can you reflect on what you can't remember?

That aside, the rest of the staff and I have been reflecting on your actions during your time on HomeTown. You joined the server in early March, and within the first week, you were banned for x-ray. In your appeal you said hadn't played Minecraft since 1.7 and you assumed everyone was hacking, despite our very clear rules in the tutorial upon joining the server... so you were given the benefit of the doubt and allowed to return.

Upon your unban, you joined the server and your pleasant demeanor quickly went downhill. You disrespected players, you disrespect staff, criticizing them when they would come to help you, arguing being kicked for your inappropriate contributions to the chat.. You were warned several times that you would be banned if this behavior continued, and eventually you received your second ban in late April for disrespect and Rule #1 violations. In your appeal, you recognized the toxicity and general nastiness you bring to the server, but claimed that it was simply satire, cultural differences, and the way you were brought up. You appeared to show genuine effort and desire to be a part of the community, so again, you were given the benefit of the doubt and allowed to return..

You did seem to change your behavior for a time, and we were relieved. Then, for whatever reason, one day in early June you chose to come on to the server and intentionally fill the chat with general inappropriateness, disrespectful comments, and encouraged others to also break chat rules. Since you claim not to remember, here is a refresher:

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[Image: OuO8Cd8.png]
[Image: d8djRPu.png]
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[Image: US1AuID.png]
[Image: rIvxXgW.png]
[Image: kBKo9gG.png]

You back-talked staff, you did not heed their warnings, and you quickly received your third ban... 

To top it all off, you appealed with a copy and paste of your previous ban appeal from your second ban, a blatant lack of respect for myself as the staff member that banned you, and a clear sign that you had no intention of taking your appeal seriously nor of returning to the server.

The consensus among staff has come to this: your presence on this server has done more harm than good, you don't seem to learn from your actions or our punishments, and so at this time we have decided that we will not be welcoming you back to our server a third time. Appeal denied.
So I'm unbanned now?
This reply only further proves our point that you are not ready to return to our server.

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