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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Wendolyn *Weny was my nickname ingame*

Reason for your ban: “Grief/Building on another players build without permission.”

Who banned you: Illogical

Why should you be unbanned: I’m not entirely sure what this ban is about, as far as I believe I’ve not griefed nor built anywhere without permission or unclaimed land but if I have, I am very sorry. I am a friendly regular of HomeTown and am frankly shocked to come on today to find myself banned. I am a VIP3, a voter (258 votes or so), I pretty much vote most days now. I have no reason to grief or build somewhere without permission, nor would I want to. I enjoy my time with others on Hometown, why would I want to jeopardize that? I wouldn’t do that to someone, especially not a fellow citizen of Hometown! So if I have built on someone else's unclaim by mistake, I am very sorry I would never want to cause any grief since I have built in a few places that i have claimed if it is one of them, then could you's please change it back for them and tell them i am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused.

Why do you want to come back: Well I have enjoyed playing hometown with my friends and being part of this server, until today I had no idea I had a reason to be punished but I am sorry for causing problems in accordance to your rules. So now I’m honestly going to have to think about my future with hometown following this appeal but I at the very least want to get to the bottom of it, and make this right, as if I was in the situation of someone building on my land I would want it sorted aswell.
So you claimed over and built inside someone's WIP of a base, they were on a hiatus and came back and were not pleased about it

This is the build with the modifications you made

[Image: gPq86SV.png]

This is what it looked like before

[Image: CT0M0Uq.png]

You also placed a claim so the person wasn't able to build/access their items.

To proceed I would like you to answer a few questions

Are you ever allowed to alter someone's build, claimed or unclaimed, without permission?

What classifies as grief on this server? (hint, our full server rules are at https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=13)

What have you learned from this?

Hello Illogical thank you for getting back so quickly on this ban appeal and showing me what one it was, im apologize and im sorry for this happening here are the answers to the questions you asked me to provide answers for:

1) Are you ever allowed to alter someone's build, claimed or unclaimed, without permission?
No you are not, the rules clearly state that it is not allowed and prohibited without permission from the person who built that building or otherwise unclaimed or not as doing so would be considered an act of griefing and annoyance.

2). What classifies as grief on this server?
That would be tampering with another persons land/crop/animal..etc without persmission whether it be claimed or unclaimed regardless of age, integrity, security, or occuption of that land and whatever is on it. Also killing anyone outside of pvp by using any means is griefing aswell.

3).What have you learned from this?
That griefing/building on other players builds without permission will not be tolerated. Players should not have to worry about having their builds touched by others without permission. I understand the importance of this rule and the enforcement of it. I apologize for causing any grief or headaches as a result of my actions. I am sorry for what I've done. After a thorough refreshing of the rules, I now fully understand and will abide by them for the betterment of Hometown, and my friends. Hometown is like family to me.
Thank you for your responses, you have been unbanned.
Welcome back to hometown!


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