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Poll: Should there be an End Resource world that gets Reset? (Think of the lack of Elytra and Shulker boxes on the server and how crazy expensive they are)
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Elytra and The End never being reset
Heya, so I'm totally new to Hometown.

I've asked around about the Elytra being so insanely rare (and expensive to buy)  and The End never being reset and have gotten these two answers (or variations of)

1) Elytra is  really an end game thing so it should be scarce
2) People have built in The End so therefor, it never gets reset. (which of course makes Elytra scarce).

I'm gonna break my thinking down on these two

1) Really? The only reason it is 'end game' is because you can't get to End Cities until the dragon has been killed. 
----Every multi player server I've checked out (and its in the 30's of those)  The dragon is dead and there are portals everywhere.  So, that reason makes no sense.

2) People having built in the End:  Ok fine, there are builds in the End.  If it was just Enderman Farms, I'd be like, "so? They are easy to build"  But, people have built other stuff so.. I get not resetting it for that reason.

I've talked to people that said there are no Elytra left in The End.. period and from 30 mins of exploring with /fly ,I believe it. There are pathways to every island it seems.

There is a Resource world for the Overworld AND the Nether.  But, not the End.

I ask Why?

There doesn't seem like any reason on the surface for there not to be.  The only two really useful resources in the End are:

A) Elytra
B) Skulkers

-- both of which are none existent in the End now because they have all be raided.

So, again why?

Digging below the surface, the ONLY reason I can think of there not being an End Resource world that gets reset is to get people to Buy /fly for $30 IRL (or a lot of in game $$ which can be hard to come by. Lets face it, shops don't make a lot of $$ because there are so many)) or vote over and over and over again to try to get both from slots.

I don't know if that is the real reason behind not having an End Resource world, but it totally looks like it to anyone that stops to think about it.

Elytra and Shulkers are IN GAME resources.  Voting should NOT basically be a REQUIREMENT to get them.  (or having $7k+ to get Elytra and be able to fly without paying $30 irl to /fly)

I totally understand having to vote to get more /homes, see /warplist etc but again, there should be a way to get ALL in game resources by PLAYING Minecraft, not paying for them somehow with IRL actions like voting or paying IRL $.

Fuck, I even get having to pay IRL $ to get /back  (btw, that should also able to be obtained by voting).  I get having to pay to get /fly  (that would be cool if you could get with voting also)

But,  having to vote to get Elytra is just shitty and shaddy.

There NEEDS to be a End resource world that gets reset often, even if it's only every 3-6 months or whatever.
The money keeps the server alive so if there’s no money the server won’t even be here
(06-22-2020, 12:36 AM)Sydrok Wrote: The money keeps the server alive so if there’s no money the server won’t even be here

People can donate, and probably would even if Elytra was available,
(06-22-2020, 01:19 AM)Etrit Wrote:
(06-22-2020, 12:36 AM)Sydrok Wrote: The money keeps the server alive so if there’s no money the server won’t even be here

People can donate, and probably would even if Elytra was available,

That is true, but the number of donations would be fewer and less people would join if fewer people voted because the server would appear lower on the server list websites.
It is I murdman!
We do normally have a resource end, we haven't put it out yet as there have been more pressing things that have needed doing. Don't worry, Hometown generally has a resource end world, and only hasn't these past months because of the main world reset, where the main end was still available for looting. Additionally, until very recently the server was extremely laggy and opening and supporting a new world was not realistic.

The resource end not being here has nothing to do with donations, voting, or anything like that. In my time on hometown aside from the past few months, for the reasons stated above, we have always had a resource end world. 

Elytra being in slots is there because even when we have the resource world people tend to take all the resources really quickly, and having them in slots makes them available even when the resources have been depleted- generally these get put into shops so you don't have to actively vote to get these resources. The server doesn't make the prices for this, players do

Also, you can get VIP1, VIP2, and VIP3 by voting

(06-22-2020, 02:30 AM)Ah, I\m happy I stand corrected :-)Any eta on when there will be and End Resource world again?  I've noticed that the server has one of the best frame rates I've seen which is sweet! and I think means it's not laggy anymore? illogicalsong Wrote: We do normally have a resource end, we haven't put it out yet as there have been more pressing things that have needed doing. Don't worry, Hometown generally has a resource end world, and only hasn't these past months because of the main world reset, where the main end was still available for looting. Additionally, until very recently the server was extremely laggy and opening and supporting a new world was not realistic.

The resource end not being here has nothing to do with donations, voting, or anything like that. In my time on hometown aside from the past few months, for the reasons stated above, we have always had a resource end world. 

Elytra being in slots is there because even when we have the resource world people tend to take all the resources really quickly, and having them in slots makes them available even when the resources have been depleted- generally these get put into shops so you don't have to actively vote to get these resources. The server doesn't make the prices for this, players do
We are in the process of trying to get that figured out, have been for a while, it's been difficult to try and figure out with the anniversary being kind of our first priority right now. There will definitely be announcements when it's opened though

Ok something precious like /fly would cost money
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