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Ban for Stealing
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Talkin_TV

Reason for your ban: Stealing from /warp diamond

Who banned you: melaniebeebot

Why should you be unbanned: I simply wanted the shulker boxes so that I can store my items. It's way too hard for me to find end cities and each time I do find one, it has already been looted.

Why do you want to come back: I want to play on the server and play with others as well as continuing to make my hotel.

Please respond quickly.
I was storing my nethrite gear if I really needed it. So sorry and I will give the shulker boxes back with a treat inside them.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, and then we will consider unbanning you:

1. Is it ok to take something that belongs to someone else without their permission? Why or why not?

2. If someone's stuff is not claimed, is it ok to take it then? Why or why not?

3. If you simply want something, and it's too hard to get your own, is it ok to take someone else's? Why or why not?
1. Yes. As long as your willing to give it back and say sorry or if it is a prank and will give it back then it is fine. But it is morally wrong if you don't intend on giving it back.

2. No. It will scare people and they will possibly blame others that may be innocent.

3. No. It will scare people and they will possibly blame others that may be innocent.

4. I'm sorry. Really sorry.
Ok, no... it's not ok to take something that belongs to someone else without their permission. That's the whole point here.

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