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ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Smp

Minecraft name: TJMHKJY

Reason for your ban: x-ray accomplice

Who banned you: RTY/kat

Why should you be unbanned: well im not sure when i was last on the server but i remebered about it the otherday, im not gonna lie i do not remeber what i did or if i even did this it could have been another person who uses my profile sometimes. im definitly not going to idk xray or anything like that as it can ruin the economy and is just not the point of survival minecraft. hopefully this is good enough

Why do you want to come back: well i tried making some towns but they went wrong haha so it would be good to do some new builds, meet back with my friend if he still plays the server, and just to meet new people and have a good time tbh. seeing my old builds wich were trash but thats besides the point it would just be good.

*i hope this was good enough and im able to see all my old stuff from ages ago and possibly some of my  friends i never got to add to discord, thanks appriciate your time!*
There were 2 staff members listed on your ban message. Please update your appeal accordingly.
(04-10-2021, 12:00 AM)melaniebeedot Wrote: There were 2 staff members listed on your ban message. Please update your appeal accordingly.
Hello there!
I will be the one overseeing the process of your appeal.
The reason for your ban is not that you used x-ray, but you were actively mining together with another player, that used x-ray. I can see in my logs, that it has been almost a year since your ban, therefore I shall only need to remind you, that this server does not tolerate any type of cheating and if you experience someone cheating, you should contact staff.
Keep this in mind when you are logging back onto HomeTown - Welcome back!
(04-14-2021, 12:10 AM)LegendaryRTY Wrote: Hello there!
I will be the one overseeing the process of your appeal.
The reason for your ban is not that you used x-ray, but you were actively mining together with another player, that used x-ray. I can see in my logs, that it has been almost a year since your ban, therefore I shall only need to remind you, that this server does not tolerate any type of cheating and if you experience someone cheating, you should contact staff.
Keep this in mind when you are logging back onto HomeTown - Welcome back!

thank you

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