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Ban appeal
Banned for xray. I have no choice but to show my strategy. I have a mod, journey map mod. This mod shows me chunk boarders. I blow up the tnt. I check the explosion pattern. This pattern tends to be somewhat random but predictable. I check around. Get the ancient debris I find exposed. Then, I go back to that pattern. I notice the blackstone that is nearby. If this is near a boarder of a chunk, I blow it up just in case. When I was banned, I was blowing up a wall of a chunk. I was making tunnels and noticed a corner of the tunnels intersecting. I blow it up. Didn't even see the ancient debris there. I mine it and go out to the main section to stop. When I stop, I am looking at this map, trying to find possible locations that the tnt might have missed. In looking at this. I can see how this looks as if I am using an xray, I mean I did go right towards it by the viewpoint of a ghost in the wall watching. I see how you came to that. However, I would blame my strategy and my map mod. (journeymap for fabric) btw. I exceeded expected luck in the eyes of you. As similar to my accusation with the diamonds quite a while back. I have shown my other trick there, as I did here. These methods seem to be OP to get you to feel as if this is active xraying. As a person who has used strats that is OP before, getting accused of xray, and getting backlash for using exceeding yielded methods, if you understood me so far, and have the mercy to lift the ban hammer. I will simply not go gathering these resources. Diamond and netherite. I hope to have landed a fair ear on this, and be granted even a benefit of a doubt. 

I understand your instincts, your conclusion, and your ultimate decision. With my explanation, my reasoning and my quitting with resources, I hope you grant me a return to this gem of a server, and continue the fun times to come.

By the way. I included a screenshot I took the second I got banned. Not much and doesn't hold up on its own, but still.

Edit: After warning from Frost, I will use the suggested format, and sorry for misunderstanding. I will keep up the section above for reference. If I need to take down the original edits, I will do so.

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP, HomeTown Server

Minecraft name: IAmDeathHimself

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): "You have been banned for Using z-ray. Zero Tolerance Policy! Banned by TheDutyPaid. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums. It better be really good."

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I genuinely believe my innocence. I should be unbanned because I am honest on what has happened. At least I try, as memory is hazy. I have been here for almost three years, never cheated. I have been accused of x-raying in the past by IllogicalSong(Exact UN I don't recall). Back then, I was getting extremely lucky on diamonds. Even now, I cannot explain my luck rate, however, I fessed up to an honest mistake I have made when looking into lava. I was told not to do that, and I have tried not to actively use it. In this case, I am being accused by TheDutyPaid for ancient debris luck. I find ancient debris the normal way, however, I pay extra attention to the explosion patterns it creates when a long line of TNT is ignited. This pattern is mainly random, however, where TNT does explode, I pay close attention to the chunk boarder. Ancient debris, as I understand it, spawns anywhere in a given chunk, The ancient debris tend to occur anywhere between 20(i think) and bedrock. I remember a video of the world's fastest ancient debris find. In this, the player hugs the wall of the chunk, and is given a more likely chance of finding debris. I use that, plus noting where debris is possible to be left by the TNT pattern. This explains, at least I hope, my luck in finding ancient debris. I assume, TheDutyPaid, has been following me and noticing my luck. As I was about to widen a tunnel by the sides as I have done before, I found 3 debris. As I tried to explain in my first draft. I failed to realize this, and went to continue the tunnel. As I flew to turn around, see it, pick it up, and ban. If I am granted the unban request, I would be happy to show staff personally how this done step by step, or at least, my butchered way. My apologies if I am not adhering to the format you have  
requested. TLDR, I should be unbanned because my mining methods, though understandably, are to be mistaken as malicious mods.  Through this chance to return, if given, I will return to a strictly vanilla experience as possible, and will be grateful for my allowed return, even more as I am grateful for being heard out. Here is not the exact video here, but I have learned where ancient debris may spawn. I could not find the exact video, however, it uses the same border hugging as I talked about. I have diverted from this method, however, I use the information that they, and the original video shown, about Ancient Debris spawning habits and ran with it. Occasionally, I just mine straight in a line that is at 13y and light TNT. 

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back, simply as there is no other server like this. I have been on very few servers, and none come close to this server. I do want to make it clear, I am speaking my honest opinion. Likewise, I have been on this server for around three years. Not only that, but I have not found any other server as enjoyable as Hometown in my around 9 or so years of searching for my multiplayer community, and I would hope, to allowed back in with the community I came to love.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
“I am being accused by TheDutyPaid for ancient debris luck.”

Well I accused you of x-ray.
Mining methods like picking a level, chunk borders, patterns, maths and such can be discussed all day on their merits.

This is none of that.  

[Image: Lwly6Rb.png]

[Image: CK6bVGK.png]

[Image: 0WxkSDr.png]

[Image: q4Mlqke.png]

[Image: msowj0N.png]

[Image: jubu2vW.png]

[Image: OFVK60k.png]

[Image: ylHLSDI.png]

[Image: aIE0GLo.png]

[Image: hKhYRwa.png]

Feel free to update your appeal as needed.
This is the second time writing this, so forgive me if this is hard to understand or follow.

The last screenshot was me mining for iron, as tuff has a good chance of having an iron vein. Did not find that, instead only found the diamond, and useless amounts of tuff.

I mine for diamonds under skulk, main reason I was in there. However, I did not find the diamond. Out of boredom of me needing these, I tunneled, hit diamond. No plan, no strategy. Just stupid luck.

The fifth picture is one of those boredom tunnels. I mind straight until I get bored. I remember mining straight and only finding the diamonds after I left the tunnel. I don't know why exactly I did not blow up the tunnel, maybe out of TNT, didn't want to damage the city, or what. On my way out, I notice the four diamonds, and I do not remember if I found the one on the left. Often when I do these boredom tunnels, I space out and fidget with something IRL.

The third one is luck again. I hate to have such weak evidence, but it is what happened. I tunnel two ways, horizontal and vertical, I dig up and down, just to see the cross-section on the map. I remember standing there for a good while. After I got back to the game, I wanted to do a vertical tunnel. I would have tunneled up first, but since this is -52y or something, I mine down instead of up. Unfortunately hit diamond. I did not mine up as I have been aware of the danger that could cause, and after this luck, I felt it would be an appropriate use of time to continue.

I realize that I have inherently weak evidence, and sadly, it can be heard as me making stuff up. Furthermore, I hope that you can see, that with this luck that I have had questioned in the past, has been an issue here. I wish I could have some concrete way to show how I find diamonds, that I somehow know that there are a set general location, like ancient debris has. However, I don't. Especially the two tunneling ones here. Those I cannot explain, and I fear that luck, and this lack of genuine proof on my part, may strike me here.
I hope this is what you meant by "Feel free to update your appeal as needed."
The fifth picture you mined into the wall not out of a tunnel.

Another lucky left hand turn mine a few blocks, dig down and bingo! I am guessing?

[Image: L1dGNEW.png]
It seems to me, that what happened here was in tunneling, I saw an upcoming cave, I feel like I have been in before. I turned to avoid the cave to the right, felt I would emerge on the other side still, and without thought, dug down, after I unfortunately hit diamonds, It looks like I corrected my Y level to a more advantageous Y level that I thought was best to operate at.

Next reply might be a little bit before I can respond.
If you are happy to maintain it was "luck"

I will put the whole appeal across to the higher staff team for review and judgement.
I would like to maintain my reasoning. I have explained every screenshot as best I can and as honestly as I can. The small method of diamonds with relationship with air, how I stumbled onto these, my thought processes behind them, and what I was doing at that time. Furthermore, I maintained my truth on luck when I was first accused of this, confessed a trick that I was warned not to use, as the consensus was that I made a simple mistake, and have not used since. I understand now how, from a view point other than myself, how deceptive the strategies and habits I use can be perceived. However, I maintain the fact that I am using good faith and operating under the same standards as any other player and/or staff. I truly believe my information was correct and honest. I truly believe in the strategy of finding diamonds under skulk and, the ancient debris pattern. Furthermore, I believe in my thought process as I recall them to you. I stand by what I have said and the transparency I have provided.
Ah yes, illo's warning. All that time ago. 

"confessed a trick that I was warned not to use, as the consensus was that I made a simple mistake, and have not used since"

Picture taken 23rd of June 2023
Been watching you for quite awhile.

Why did you lie about this?

[Image: oMxsHrk.png]
I did not intentionally lie. I use the very bottom of lava to feel around. I thought that "lava trick" would refer to the exact thing I used years ago.  Yes, I did set up some stations to do a lava trick, however, after failing to do it, I gave up. After trying to get it to work (referencing a method I later talk about), I think I remember noting the pond from above and try to you that to continue. I remember doing that feel by feel. If this is factually wrong, and I look as if I am lying, please do not attribute this to any malice.  I can show you what I see when I am under lava. I don't know how to put the pictures in here. But essentially, a tiny ring at the player's feet can be somewhat clear. I use that, burning, to "see" what is at the bottom. I am sure you watched me do this, if my recalling is correct, I found that piece through this method, which I, and perhaps with faulty memory, thought was fair. A little cost and setup to do this, but given that all players seen the same thing, I did. (Again referring to a method I talk about below)

After some reflection to my original ban request. I realize I am misremembering some details. Back then, I used shaders on forge client. One shader I found to be the best and only could run it back then. This had the side effect of being able to see clear as day under lava. I, now, cannot use shaders. This is a 1.19,.4 game fabric launch, where the mod that I would need to use shaders, does not work properly. So before my inability to use shaders occurred, I stopped using the shaders that I used for that, and used other, fair shaders, some other players were using. Now, I cannot even enable shaders to do this, so I believe I was correct with this. However, here is the issue. I found another way to look under lava. I found it fair, in my mind because any player can do it, with a vanilla game launch. If a player is standing in lava given strict circumstances, they are able to witness a frame of where the lava fog disappears, giving the player the ability to see hidden blocks that they would not otherwise see, without the radius trick I mentioned before. I took it as a message as to not continue using the Oceana shaders I had, in the name of fairness. Likewise, I was not told, at least by her, that I was not allowed to use any lava tricks.  Referring back to illogicalSong's last message in my previous encounter with lava tricks, message #4, she did not say what I am and not am not allowed to use. I voluntarily stopped using the shaders that caused that situation in the first place. I have not used it since. This has unintentionally planted this seed in my mind that if a player with my preventative measures with lava damage, that it was fair to all to use. Now that I have grown as a person considerably since then, and will continue to do so, I realize that this is likely to be considered unfair by staff as unfair and exploitative. I would ask for leniency regarding my misuse of information I held to be true, and having it not line up in reality. If you can understand where I am genuinely coming from and given this ticket back to the server. Now that I remember how to do this accurately, I can personally show staff, with or without a live stream over discord, in a private call this way of using lava, (I want to show this in the discord call so if this is perceived to be deceptive, you do not need to worry about players using this in increased levels than they might currently be doing)

After edits, I decided to clear up my message. The lava trick from years ago is what I was referring to one not using. I use 2 other methods, the only one I used here is the fairest, where I scan the floor with my feet. I could not get my other lava trick to work at the time. But since my ban, I was able to relearn the trick and explain how to do it to staff. I cannot use shaders after switching mod launchers to fabric, I did this before I joined back after my 4-month break. The mod to use Optifine, required to use shaders, needs "OptiFabric", which does not launch with 1.19.4. The only version I use for actual game play.

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