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Ban Appeal for xray Pls reply dutypaid
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: .xXDemonXx7757

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): You have been banned from this server. Reason Xray
Who banned you: ThatOneWolfe

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): There is a misunderatanding about me using xray I am sure I didn't use it. I was just mining in caves. If u believe I was using xray I Am very Sorry and Promise to not use It Ever Again (God Promise) 

Why do you want to come back: I really like the server it's very interactive u can make friends quickly and most importantly have fun the mods are also very great and nice.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
As the staff member who banned you; I will be responding to this appeal and initiating this conversation; 

I would love to hear your insight on why you believe it was a miscommunication rather than X-ray. in this specific example, we can see your tunnels mine down from diamond ore to diamond ore leading me to believe that you were using an X-ray resource pack. Could you give me an explanation for these tunnels?

[Image: Qmh0v2v.png]
[Image: TOrrZoQ.png]
Indeed Those tunnels are mine And I would like to say that yes At that time I was using xray and I am very sorry about it. I swear I would not repeat the mistake again and would be delighted if I have another chance. I am very sorry for saying it was a misunderstanding I was scared. If u still wanna give me punishment u can ban me for days Or week. I am sorry. I regret . This was the best public smp server I could find because others r just too complicated but well due to my own mistake I got banned I would love a chance to fix that mistake.
Pls respond
Appeal process takes as long as a staff member needs to come to their decision. As you have been told before patience is a virtue.
After much consideration; It's been decided to give you a 30 temp-ban from the time this is posted which will expire on 7/22/2024. Upon return to the server your /balance will be wiped and any diamond+ tools/gear you have accumulated will be removed.

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