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Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: MrDiamond089

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Thief of displayed Diamonds

Who banned you: the4neko

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): pls unban me I was not knowing that is against the rules 

Why do you want to come back: To do new beginning 
While I banned you for theft of diamond ores, I'll treat this more like a ban evasion appeal, since you confessed that this was alt account that you used after your first account got banned. As you hopefully now understand, if one of your accounts gets banned, you are not allowed to just make a new one and play again. You have to appeal your ban first.

If you wanna return to the server, please answer these questions and put effort into it (trust me, it's better to spend few more minutes with it, than waiting day or two just for me to ask you new questions because I was not happy with your answers)

1) Why do we don't allow banned players to join with new accounts?

2) Your first account got banned, why you did the exact same thing with your new account?

3) How can I know you learn from this, when you decided to evade your ban (two times)?
Ok I'll answer your questions

You don't allow banned players to play with alt account bcoz thay will make new account and then join the server and make the same mistake and that server will not tolerate..

I got banned with my second account because I haven't joint the discord and I was not knowing the rules of this server ..... Now I am getting the rules ...........

You can trust me I learnt from my mistake and I will not do anything wrong in this server again........
Well yes, we don't allow players to just join with new accounts because that way they won't learn the lesson. But about your second answer, I have to disagree, the rules are there, when you first join you are in this large cave with rules, you don't have to join the discord:
[Image: F2vaT6k.png]

and here is the rule you keep breaking...:
[Image: 2CgxXbe.png]

For your last answer, welp, 3 accounts banned currently, trying to sneak in by renaming your account... you'll have to appeal that ban too, as well as replaying to this one: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread...6#pid37266 (your other account appeal)

If the two other (the one for .Ayush07noob and the other for .Rohan44994950 before known as .Ayush07noobb) are really really good I might unban you, but you knowingly tried to evade your ban again after I talked to you so I'm pretty disappointed...
Sorry for disappointing you I will not do anything wrong again in the server ..... I learnt a big lesson from my mistakes .......
You say you learned a big lesson from your mistakes, yet you seem to not read my reply or ignore it's parts, I told you you'll have to write third separate appeal for the .Rohan44994950 (.Ayush07noobb) account for the ban evasion, and you failed to do so. So if you wanna play again, please write that too, and again, put effort into it. Also if you have hard time writing in english, feel free to submit your appeals in any language you want, we can translate it.

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