Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):
Minecraft username: Lbbear05
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Diamond Block Theft and Xray
Who banned you: The4neko
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Hi im hoping that this is recived in good health but im truly and honestly sorry for x-raying and as for the the theft i was greedy and i know it was wrong but i did it anyway same with the xray im hoping that i do get a second chance and want to be a part of the comunity. xraying damages the server by taking money from the people that worked hard for it it hurts the economy, and can damage friendships i hope that im able to apologize and i understand that the things i have will be taken away im willing to start fresh and build and grow
Why do you want to come back: As I said above the server and community is one of the best that I've seen the server is fun, lighthearted and overall just a great place to be. I hope to right my wrongs and id also like the chance to personally apologize to the server and comunity for my actions
Minecraft username: Lbbear05
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Diamond Block Theft and Xray
Who banned you: The4neko
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Hi im hoping that this is recived in good health but im truly and honestly sorry for x-raying and as for the the theft i was greedy and i know it was wrong but i did it anyway same with the xray im hoping that i do get a second chance and want to be a part of the comunity. xraying damages the server by taking money from the people that worked hard for it it hurts the economy, and can damage friendships i hope that im able to apologize and i understand that the things i have will be taken away im willing to start fresh and build and grow
Why do you want to come back: As I said above the server and community is one of the best that I've seen the server is fun, lighthearted and overall just a great place to be. I hope to right my wrongs and id also like the chance to personally apologize to the server and comunity for my actions