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I never actually made one of these!
Some of you already know me but I thought it'd be neat to do an intro thingy anyhow! 
I'm Temmy, I live in Australia and I like Sailor Moon and fluffy animals. *o*
Don't be scared to say hi! I look forward to getting to know you guys. Thanks for having me. :3c
[Image: 314af3def5c548bb95c8f3551bfc7a91.png]
Hi there! Welcome to the magical place where you can meet those fluffy animals you like! You can either go to the off topic to have a nice tea party with all those lovely mindless little people, or go to laugh at weird bann appeals, or jump into the general threads to discuss the server, or share a couple good laughs on the forum games, or just have fun in general! This is a magical place!
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
^^^to the ban appeals btw.

Hey! Welcome to the forums and server! Lol. I mean I'm not that fluffy (I have Robocop skin Tongue) but I'm sure those 1.8 bunnies wanna talk to you!

Dem forum games though....all of them you'd like.
Welcome to the forums and the server. On the forums I think the most fun thing to do is laugh at the silly ban appeals (most of them are bad)
Hi Temmy! Nice to see you on the forums! :3
- KatNip
Welcome to HT forums and our server!
Mechanic, Landrover lover, dont let me near a welder and an oxy torch Big Grin

[Image: CZo9VnF.png]

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