05-11-2016, 04:48 AM
Server you were banned on (SMP): I Was Banned on Hometown
Minecraft name: xSnowyy
Reason for your ban: Stealing Crops
Who banned you: Kat
Why should you be unbanned: I was A Noob when I was playing, And i Didnt know U were supossed to replant If i knew i wouldv'e Did it, I was Really Hoping this Server was gonna be my favorite but now that Cant happen Since im banned From Stealing Beetroot From ./warp farms
Why do you want to come back: I Was A Noob and I was Starting a town and I wanted to build it Until i got banned now i cant and I had Friends and very good resources thankyou
Minecraft name: xSnowyy
Reason for your ban: Stealing Crops
Who banned you: Kat
Why should you be unbanned: I was A Noob when I was playing, And i Didnt know U were supossed to replant If i knew i wouldv'e Did it, I was Really Hoping this Server was gonna be my favorite but now that Cant happen Since im banned From Stealing Beetroot From ./warp farms
Why do you want to come back: I Was A Noob and I was Starting a town and I wanted to build it Until i got banned now i cant and I had Friends and very good resources thankyou