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ban appeals
Server you were banned on (SMP):smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name:hami8052

Reason for your ban: x-ray

Who banned you: Grimm_wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: I never use x-ray

Why do you want to come back: for the mounent I started to play on this sever I fell in love with it I would never x-ray or hack

p.s if u want you can look at my pc (but I do live in nz
ok I cant I was using x-ray but I only used it because of my friend but I really like this server and I hope you unban me but it is ok if u dont

Quote:1. Be honest: lying/making up excuses will not get you unbanned. We already have all of the evidence, trying to lie won't get you out of your ban because we can see through it.

2. Use effort: Moderators want to unban you, but not unless you actually put some effort into trying to get unbanned. Write a detailed appeal explaining what you did wrong, why it was wrong, and what you should've done instead. Make us want to unban you. One or two sentences makes us want to deny your appeal.
[Image: 44d3388ebe.jpg]
1 I did use x-ray

2 if I am unban I will never use x-ray again it was wrong because I had an edge on everyone by using his x-ray I should have done it legit or buy ores from the shop I under stand what I have done is braking the rules I completely understand if you deny appeal but I will never do it again.  ill leave this forum pages alone good bye
Not only is your appeal one the extreme of shortness, lying and then admitting to lying does not warrant an unbanning. Find a new server.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook


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