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Ban Appeal
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] Your text: smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: Your text: ArchieTBRI

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Your text: I griefed and argued with staff

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Your text: Arayvek

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] Your text: I should be unabanned because I feel sincerely sorry for
what i did and I will not do it again, if so perm ban me.. oh and i will never argue with staff again,
or maybe ANYONE for that matter, because not long ago.. I learned arguing is a waste of time and
effort, so it is for that reason I will never argue again. For the griefing part... thats a different
story, god forbid I do it again, if i do auction  all my stuff off, perm ban me, even burn it!!!
I wont do it again. and if I could come back... I would be forever sorry for what I did still, and do
whatever it takes to make them accept my apology.

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] Your text:I want to come back because... well its a great server
and community that i don't want to miss out on, and plus i have a lot of friends there, i would be half gone without this server.

P.S. sorry for not using proper format, if i did i will edit this/remake it
P.P.S sorry for not using proper format on the last appeal
P.P.P.S I am sorry to who i griefed, and i will be forever mad at myself for it

I hope i get unabanned

[Image: heart.png]

oh, and i forgot who i griefed and what i did to grief it, dang short-term memory loss!
If you took the one to grief and argue, then you can have patience here.
You have been unbanned. You will have no more chances after this, but I am sure you will not get yourself in trouble anymore
(06-11-2016, 10:46 PM)admin Wrote: You have been unbanned. You will have no more chances after this, but I am sure you will not get yourself in trouble anymore

thanks, but my ip is still banned, can you do something about that?

you and 3blindgerbils have different IPs, I have unbanned your ip
(06-11-2016, 11:04 PM)frost Wrote: you and 3blindgerbils have different IPs, I have unbanned your ip

ok thanks

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