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Redd-Sketches Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown

Minecraft name: Silvar2000

Reason for your ban: Team Greifing

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because i didnt really know what i was doing. i was randing tping and i found a bridge and i followed it picking up the torches thinking no one needed them. im sorry for that

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because i think it is a great server and really fun to play on. also because i have lots of friends on there. please forgive me
ye me two, were both trying to get back on as we love to play on this server, and apart from today have never caused a problem. We wont be purposely causing problems again, and we didn't this time
You need a LOT more patience. Grimm has a life and other responsibilities, he's not sitting waiting to reply to ban appeals. He'll respond when he can, which might be in ten minutes, it might be in two days.
(06-12-2016, 10:23 PM)Star Wrote: You need a LOT more patience. Grimm has a life and other responsibilities, he's not sitting waiting to reply to ban appeals. He'll respond when he can, which might be in ten minutes, it might be in two days.

Ok thank you star. sorry for taking time off of you
You and InsaneAether were banned for team-griefing Rowebot's rail among other builds, you're not coming back; find a new server.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook


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