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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown

Minecraft name: AliceCross

Reason for your ban: Theft

Who banned you: Arayvek

Why should you be un-banned: I would like to make things right with whoever feels I took something from them. I am very sorry that this happened. I am more than happy to work with staff to fix this, and I thank them for their time spent in this matter. I give my word that I will be very cautious to never make the same mistake. The only thing I could think of would have been if I confused a freebie with something that was not. As I do have really bad memory, I can not pin point the offending moment let alone what I was doing for most of the week. If allowed to come back, please let me know what was missing and I will replace it right away with interest if you so wish. I was very surprised when I saw the message as I do make sure to be responsible when I play. If I do accidentally grief something (usually running from mobs) I made sure to let staff know so they could fix it. I also always do my upmost to replant everything I use. I am politely asking to please un-ban me, and let me know what I can do. 

Why do you want to come back: I know I play very solitarily, but I respect staff and the people that make this game interesting. I have never been a problem before, and I plan to make sure it stays that way. I have a lot of time and votes invested in this, and look forward to building more in this server. My goal has been to make it to 200 votes for the set 3 homes, and it has been getting very close. It is very exciting. I had been collecting, and gathering resources to open up my own town. It seems that I spend more on pstones than saving up, but I am sure it will be worth it in security. 

Thank you, please take your time reviewing this case so this can be resolved with all parties happy. 

Have a good night, 
You stole wool and other miscellaneous items from chests in Agt_Washingtom's shop; A total of 87 items were rolled back

Evidence here: http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/Arayve...ss%20Theft

Why did you take those items?
Ah, thank you for the pictures. I believe that day I was shopping around looking for deals. Sometimes other users place unwanted items randomly in chests, or shops have freebies available. I believe my thought was that it was meant to be free as it didn't have a sell sign or any signs for that matter that told me otherwise that it was meant for sale or that the owner of the shop had in fact placed it there. I find shop owners are very responsible and label their items for sale, or lock any unused chest. I have never found an owner that actually left products in a chest, I have always seen on the rare occasion someone putting their unwanted materials in unlocked chests because the shop was not active. I had thought it was a tad particular that the items were more specific then usual in a spot. I thought someone was very considerate for organizing it so well for the other users because it was certainly more than just dumping trash in a chest. Since that was not the case, I am truly sorry for my mix up, and I do promise I will leave unmarked/unlocked chests in a shop alone unless they have a free sign. That way I won't get mixed up again even if it were intended to be free.

I will do my upmost to never have a next time, but always feel free to talk to me as I am more than willing to apologize to the owner for my mistake and give the items promptly back. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. What would you like me to do?

I was looking the at the pictures but I believe another user put in items that were not meant to be in the shop as intended to be free, and another user thought the same as me with taking wool that was in an unlocked chest in the shop. I am not saying at all that it justifies my case, as I know now that it is not ok, but I am using this as an example to my thought process at the time. On very rare occasions, very generous users put out things meant for any who can use it. Trash another man's treasure. One of the reasons why I really like Hometown, is that other users can benefit each other.

On another note, thank you for such a prompt response! I was expecting to wait a couple of days as I know staff is busy. I will be looking forward for the resolution and your decision.
When chests are unlocked, always assume they are still private chests unless there is a sign telling you otherwise. I am unbanning you. I would like you to show an enforcer, mod, or admin the wool and netherwart you took so they can delete it.

Welcome back to HomeTown
Sure, I'll have them in a chest ready to inspect near my home quick as I can. Thank you very much for your time and patience. I will keep that rule in mind when I play.

Update: I could not for the life of me remember what colors were which, I just knew they were colorful so I just brought everything I had plus more just in case and 8 nether wart blocks. I asked Loxus to destroy the chest. Thanks again!

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