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Tamed dogs reverting to wolves
Hey guys,

     Rowe told me to post this here so, here we go. About 2 hours ago, give or take, I tamed 3 wolves and returned home. I gave 2 of them rotten flesh and bred a pup. I fed the pup and had it grow to adult size, then game all 4 dogs a yellow collar. I kept them sitting in my house.

     About an hour ago, I tped home from some mining to find that my "dogs" were still sitting, but for some reason, their eyes were like a wolf's, and they lost their collars. I thought that was odd and tried to feed one and it spawned hearts, but didn't get up when I right-clicked it. So it was not just a graphical bug. I punched one to get it to stand up, because, if it were still a dog, it wouldn't attack me back, right? Wrong. It got red eyes and made the other "sitting" wolves turn against me and nearly killed me- I tped to spawn just in time. I was in a panic on chat for a while, and KatNip had no idea what was going on, maybe a problem with the plugins, and Rowe didn't know, either. Like  I said before, he recommended me to post it here for discussion.

     Currently, I await an answer or solution to this, and am keeping the (now non-hostile) wolves in my house, as I am out of bones, and cannot re-tame them. I also don't want to go through their reversion again. Also, please know that there are many users with dogs playing, and I hope they don't make the same near-fatal mistake I did. So please, if you have any idea on what's going on, please help me out. Thank you!

Roger, Roger.
Same thing happened to me, a couple hours ago.
- HorseGirl7311 • Horse • Miss. Horse -
 - Owner of /warp horse_xp - New Spider Spawner -
(07-19-2016, 09:42 AM)HorseGirl7311 Wrote: Same thing happened to me, a couple hours ago.

I asked Vil and Star, neither knew what was going on, and Star told me to ask Arrei/Cirno. A/C told me that it was a glitch and that I should just re-tame them. Another server restart occurred and they were still dogs, thankfully. If they revert again, I'll just keep the wolves at home until a more permanent solution is discovered.
Roger, Roger.
Just happened again. I teleported home and away a couple of times and they randomly all turned back into wolves. I retamed the 3 that were outside but I contain all of them inside in the case of another reversion. I hope I can get more bones, because if I need to re-tame them EVERY day, it will get tedious.

It is confirmed that server restarts do not affect their reversion, and only when I teleport to and fro, and come home, and the chunks reload, somehow, their "tamed" status goes to zero. I have attached an image of a dog with green collar sitting next to a bizarrely sitting ex-dog wolf.[Image: 2016-07-19_20.10.08_zpsggzgv0ko.png]
Roger, Roger.
Just devised a theory with Miu that perhaps only dogs with dyed collars revert. Many people have reported that their dogs are still dogs, but I never took into account the idea that many could be lazy and not give their dogs custom-dyed collars. Will do further testing with dyed and non-dyed, gifted dogs.
Roger, Roger.
This theory has since been debunked. None of my dogs have reverted a third time, but my friend Hunto10's dog (with red, undyed collar) has reverted. Cirno/Arrei has specilated that GriefPrevention may have its hand in this matter. I must report that my dogs had reverted for me BEFORE I claimed the land around my house. After I claimed, I had no further problems. However, Hunto had his land claimed for a while, with and without his dog, so I believe land claims also have no correlation with Dog Reversion.
Roger, Roger.
I think it might have something to do with chunks and mob spawning.

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