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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTownMC

Minecraft name:firewolf727

Reason for your ban:Griefing

Who banned you:Kiro

Why should you be unbanned: It was wrong to steal but I thought griefing was blowing stuff up. I promise not to do it again it was an honest mistake and I will give back the armor I stole to whoever I stole it from. 

Why do you want to come back: First off I enjoy the server and the players on the server, and I also want to play with my older cousins TheAssassin9898 and Sadow7272. Thanks for the consideration.
I found the grief when I was called over by a friend because their home had been broken into, along with armor, you stole diamond blocks and other rare items.

Your appeal seems sincere  and I will hold you to your word. Upon your return, please give all stolen items over to a staff member.  Please review /rules  and remember that grief is the unwanted modifications of a build.
[Image: 4Lj0YCm.gif]

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