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ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp

Minecraft name: Blurry_

Reason for your ban: theft

Who banned you: Star

Why should you be unbanned: I do understand that the theft has gotten me banned and I honestly knew I was gonna get caught but did so anyways. I fess up to my wrong doings and apologize. I knew it was wrong, but it was very tempting knowing that in a server such as hometown's in which chests are usually private are sometimes open for just about anyone, making it easy for someone to take. It was definitely wrong but I'm sure it was the lack in my self-control. I should have just left items in chests and what not. Adventuring is definitely a major part of a game, and it's sometimes instinct for some to check chests locked or unlocked. And so I apologize for theft. 

Why do you want to come back: smp hometown is a wonderful server and I can barely find any servers out there like this one. it's very relaxing and I love to play with my friend on there. sorry for breaking the rules, it won't happen again : )
happy holidays!

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