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Ban appeal: Tiokin - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ban appeal: Tiokin (/showthread.php?tid=1388)

Pages: 1 2

RE: Ban appeal: Tiokin - TheOnlyKat - 08-22-2016

Okay, please wait for a Mod to respond to your appeal.

RE: Ban appeal: Tiokin - Tiokin - 08-31-2016

still waiting

RE: Ban appeal: Tiokin - Arrei - 08-31-2016

And you'll continue waiting at this rate.

You've certainly said a lot of things in this appeal. But you know what you haven't said? Any sort of apology for what you did. The closest thing you've said to even acknowledging what you did was "Stealing anything is wrong" and that you'd "make amends". You used a hell of a lot more space on playing down the severity of your grief and how it could have been much worse, and talking about how people should have land claims for their builds. Why, after doing something you knew was wrong, are you throwing around this attitude, pushing blame onto the victim (intentionally or otherwise) for not having a land claim set up? You can claim that people don't listen to you all you wish, but what we're hearing from your words is a lot of attitude not befitting one who is trying to appeal to our good nature and return to our server. We don't care if someone should have claimed their land. We don't care that others may commit more severe grief. All we care about right now is that you did in fact grief, and now you need to show us you're worth unbanning to come back.

You want a clear response? Then here it is. You have one more chance. Remake your appeal in a new thread with none of the uppity attitude and downplaying. Show us you understand we take all grief seriously, even grief you might perceive as small. Show us you can swallow your pride for a single moment and not use your appeal to strut around posturing.