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HomeTown Rules Section Thread - Printable Version +- HomeTown Forums (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums) +-- Forum: SMP Server (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Forum: General (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: HomeTown Rules Section Thread (/showthread.php?tid=13) |
HomeTown Rules Section Thread - Grimm_Wolfe - 12-24-2015 Notice: This rules thread is no longer up to date. Please refer to the latest version for the most current server rules and regulations. HomeTown Rulebook: 3rd Edition June 2019 The completion of the HomeTown server’s tutorial quiz or acceptance of the HomeTown forums’ terms of service agreement is a tacit contract that states you have read, understand, and will abide by the following rules and customs. Failure to comply may result in appropriate punishment of the offending person/s at the staff-team’s discretion. Foreword This rulebook has been reviewed and vetted by the staff-team prior to ratification. All information and rulings have been deemed accurate and fair. All rules and punishments listed are the direct result of either the original rules [Founder] FrostVINCENT put forth or public incidents of unrest requiring staff-intervention. The purpose of the rulebook is to create a public, common-law standard to assist the staff-team in making fair judgments and cite their reasoning. Any abolishments, addendums, or alterations will be named and dated in the Change Log section at the bottom of the document. HomeTown Forum-Rules Failure to follow these rules may lead to warnings, temporary-forum-bans, permanent-forum-bans, or forum-purges to be utilized at the staff-team’s discretion. A. Be respectful to others at all times and do not be annoying. General disrespect, hostile trolling, racism, sexism, etc. towards any person, group, organization, or creed will not be tolerated in any form. a1. HomeTown is a privately owned entity, the staff-team has full authority to censor or moderate the community to maintain order. This includes forcing accounts to use socially proper content for PFPs, usernames, and signatures. B. Do not spam the forums. b1. spam are any messages that the staff-team deems to inhibit the general community’s ability to communicate, function, or cause annoyance. HomeTown’s definition of spam is more extensive than any dictionary definition; do not argue with the staff-team over this. b2. unsolicited advertisements for real-world services, blogs, or other MineCraft servers will not be tolerated. C. Forum account signatures will not be taller than 400 pixels. D. Follow the rules of the ban appeal section, as listed here: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3 Punishments HomeTown maintains community stability via numerous rules outlining one’s conduct, and punishing those who fail to comply or improve one’s behaviors. To address people breaking the rules, the staff-team follows an escalating force continuum of punishments. Where a staff-member starts on the force continuum is based on the severity of the offending person’s actions or their past history of negative behaviors. Avoiding or circumventing a punishment will result in greater punishment. Lv.0 : written warnings and player kicks. Written warnings are given to players whose infractions are deemed minimally severe but still need to be addressed. Player kicks are brief, forceful disconnections from the server often due to chat disruptions. Kicked players may rejoin the server seconds after they are kicked. The reason for the kick will be stated in the kick message. The kick itself is viewed as a warning against further infractions of a similar nature. Lv.1 : mutes and temporary bans. Mutes may be given to players when they have accumulated numerous warning or kicks following chat infractions. Mutes are often set to last between 10 - 15 minutes, after which players may chat again. For mild rule infractions, a player may be barred from the server via a temporary ban. A temporary ban does not require that the banned player make a ban appeal, as their ban will be lifted after a certain time period has been met. Attempting to appeal a temporary ban may be denied at the staff-team’s discretion. Lv.2 : bans and permanent bans. Bans are given to players who have engaged in a moderate breach of the server’s rules. A ban will remain in effect until the offender submits a correctly-formatted ban appeal on the server forums and the staff-team accepts this appeal. After 2 - 3 repeated and/or appealed bans, the staff-team may institute a permanent ban on the offending person’s account/s. On occasions of grievous damage to the community as a whole, a player may be outright permanently banned following their actions. Lv.3 : Internet Protocol Ban (IP ban). This punishment is reserved for repeat offenders who use alternate accounts, players who have engaged in cheating on the server, or placed on top of some permanent bans in some instances. This ban denies access to the server from a player’s electronic device through their Internet service provider. HomeTown Server-Rules 1: Griefing - Punishment: Lv. 1 - 3 A. Do not modify any property that is not yours without the permission of the property-owner. This includes the addition or subtraction of any gameplay element from one’s property, such as: blocks, crops, items, animals, NPCs, etc. A property’s age, state of integrity, state of security, or state of occupation does not alter this rule. If the property is not yours, do not alter it. B. Do not kill other players outside of PvP arenas by any means. 2: Personal Conduct - Punishment: Lv. 0 - 3 A. Be respectful to others at all times and do not be annoying. General disrespect, hostile trolling, racism, sexism, etc. towards any person, group, organization, or creed will not be tolerated in any form. a1. HomeTown is a privately owned entity, the staff-team has full authority to censor or moderate the community to maintain order. This includes forcing players to use socially proper Minecraft avatar skins, usernames, and nicknames. B. Do not spam the chat. b1. Spam are any messages that the staff-team deems to inhibit the general community’s ability to communicate, function, or cause annoyance. HomeTown’s definition of spam is more extensive than any dictionary definition; do not argue with the staff-team over this. b2. The limit on caps lock is 4 words or 15 letters. b3. Shop advertisements will only be posted every 5min in an active chat, or when the advertisement leaves the viewable chat during inactive hours. b4. Do not enter into and out of AFK excessively. b5. Do not abuse the chat color codes--such as the rainbow font--excessively. b6. Do not send fake private messages. b7. Do not die to unnecessarily show-off custom death messages in general chat. C. Occasional profanity is tolerated but not when directed at other people. D. Do not give players answers to the tutorial questions. E. Do not welcome newcomers with a rude or gross comment. For example: “Whalecum” instead of “Welcome”. F. No IP-advertising. f1. Advertising other Minecraft servers’s IP addresses in HomeTown's chat will result in a permanent IP-ban. f2. Any player/s caught IP-advertising the HomeTown IP address on another server will be permanently IP-banned on the HomeTown server. ( https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2235 ) G. Do not dox players. Offenders will be punished at the staff-team's discretion. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing ) H. Do not ask staff to unban a player for any reason. Banned players have to make a proper appeal on the HomeTown forums. Repeated requests of this nature may be punished under rule 2:A of personal conduct: do not be annoying. I. Staff-members are not obligated to disclose information regarding the details of a player’s ban. Repeated requests for disclosure of details may be punished under rule 2:A of personal conduct: do not be annoying. J. Do not post pornographic content or adult website URLs in chat. j1. This includes soliciting the exchange of pornographic material for in-game assets via the server chat systems. K. Do not request undeserved ranks or for items to be spawned in. L. Do not lie to the staff-team. l1. Falsified reports with the intent to troll or disrupt the staff-team will not be tolerated. l2. Falsified reports with the intent to frame another will not be tolerated. M. Do not purposely cause arguments in general chat. If told to drop an argument by a staff-member, the argument will be dropped. Any further issues may be discussed with a staff-member via private messages. N. If requested by the staff-team to /ignore a player you have issues with, /ignore them or do not express any complaints of them in general chat. The drama is unnecessary. 3: Economy Etiquette - Punishment: Lv. 0 - 3 A. Creating a monopoly or attempting to create a monopoly is prohibited, especially with the intention to resell resources at a higher price. B. Cornering the market in regards to resources is prohibited, especially with the intention to resell resources at a higher price. C. Intentionally bankrupting another players or attempting to bankrupt another player is prohibited, especially when one of the following is used: c1. Exploiting an obvious typo on a show-owner’s shop sign. Please, inform the staff-team and shop-owner of this error. c2. Taking advantage of a new player’s lack of knowledge of HomeTown’s economy. 4: Auction Etiquette - Punishment: Lv. 0 - 3 A. Do not name the top bidder each time someone bids higher than the person before. This generates unnecessary chat spam. You only need to name the top bidder at the end of a bid or the near ending of a bid. B. Do not auction off fake items, stolen items, or items you do not possess. b1. You must make differentiate between an actual item (Deadcore's own shovel) or a renamed shovel. C. Fake auctions or fake bidding will not be tolerated. Only auction if you have the item and only bid if you have the money. D. You must follow through with auctions and bids. d1. If you auction an item and do not get the expected revenue regarding the item’s value, you still have to sell the item to the winning bidder. d2. If you are the winning bidder, you must pay up even if you did not wish to buy the item. E. Only one auction may be held in chat at any given time. F. Only bid in counting numbers (1,2,3,4,5,10,100…) G. Don't spam your auction just because no one is bidding. 5: Nickname Etiquette - Lv. 0 - 3 A. Do not impersonate other players on the server. B. Do not pretend to be a relative or object related to someone, especially if they have asked not to be used in your nickname. C. Do not create nicknames that obstruct chat or are difficult to read. Nicknames will be assessed by the staff-team. c1. Example: such as [Adept] _xXx_420supercalifragilisticexpialidocious1337sniperkilleronHDPC_xXx_. It’s too long and blocks chat. c2. Example: such as [Adept] iliketogoouttothebeach. If you are going to have nicknames like this, capitalise or color-code them: [Adept] ILikeToGoOutToTheBeach 6: Property Etiquette - Punishment: Lv. 0 - 3 A. Do not build within 100 blocks of other players without their consent. The original claim owners maintain the right to have encroaching builds removed and the ask offending player/s to relocate. B. If you use 1x1 towers, be sure to tear it down when you’re done--the same goes for temporary shelters. C. Provocative builds are prohibited and will be assessed by the staff-team. c1. Within good intentions, historical builds from infamous groups are allowed only if they are socially proper. Example: a large-scale, heavily-detailed model of a vehicle from WWII Nazi Germany depicting a Swastika. c2. Within malicious intentions to harass the community or be edgy, any recognizable symbols, words, codes in relation to well-known hate groups or builds depicting stereotypes are not tolerated. D. Do not trespass. d1. Players maintain the right to request trespassers to leave their property at any time for any reason, this includes shops. d2. Players maintain the right to revoke one’s further access to their property, this includes shops. d3. Buildings marked with signs prohibiting trespassing will be obeyed. d4. If asked to leave an area by a staff-member, you will leave. Failure to comply or later incursions to that area will result in a ban E. A claim will only be considered legitimate if the following is met: e1. A 100-block radius claim will be centered around a 5x5x5 (or larger) living area with a locked chest or furnace inside to determine who owns the building and when the claim was formed. e2. A biome may not be claimed with fences, 1x1 towers, signs, torches, etc. e3. A biome may only be claimed only if the player can demonstrate sufficient buildings--or intent to create multiple buildings--to fairly claim the area. Failure to do so will revoke the claim. F. If an inactive player’s build is preventing one’s expansion of their town, the staff-team may use their discretion to determine if the removal of the inactive player’s build is appropriate. f1. The staff-team will not world edit (W/E) a build to move it elsewhere just for convenience. On rare occasions, the staff-team may W/E a build or use W/E to move a build if it is large and within 100 blocks of someone else. G. Property may be transferred if and only if proper verification from the property owner/s can be demonstrated to the staff-team. 7: Cheating - Punishment: Lv. 2 & 3 A. The use of x-raying, orefinder, oresniffer, etc. to obtain valuable resources is not allowed in any form. B. Use of duplication exploits is not allowed. Report any you find to a staff member immediately. C. The use of server glitches to alter one's gamemode or receive personal gain is not allowed. 8: Miscellaneous - Punishment: Lv. 0 - 3 A. Do not generate lag. a1: Do not leave redstone clocks running when not in use. a2: While flying, do not exceed /speed 5 because it loads in too many chunks and causes lag. a3: Do not use large, lag-creating disguises B. Do not express malicious intent/wishes upon another player. C. Lost items of any value may be respawned only if they were lost from the result of: the server crashing, being killed by another player, or a server-side error. Any other reason is player-error. D. Engaging in any real-world criminal activities or criminal behaviors through the HomeTown server will result in an immediate, permanent IP-ban. This includes but is not limited to: pedophilia, selling stolen goods etc. E. Cracked accounts. e1. soliciting cracked accounts is punishable via rule 8:D e2. If you play on a cracked account, the staff-team has no interest in knowing. F. Exchanging in game cash for minecraft accounts is prohibited as the staff team have no control over any actions that may occur e.g scamming or stolen accounts Change Log September 1st, 2019 - fixed typo in section 2:B April 4th, 2020 - fixed typo in section 3:A & 3:B, "resale" to "resell" - added 2:J;1 June 24th 2020 - addition of rule F in the miscellaneous punishments March 7th, 2025 - Added notice that this thread is no longer up to date. |