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Ban Appeal - Printable Version +- HomeTown Forums (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums) +-- Forum: General (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: Ban Appeals (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=10) +--- Thread: Ban Appeal (/showthread.php?tid=436) |
Ban Appeal - Judyspag - 03-16-2016 Server you were banned on: SMP Minecraft name: IrishNinja03 Reason for your ban: Griefing Who banned you: Vilneas Why should you be unbanned: Hello there. I am a 50 year old mom who (due to a series of unfortunate events) had to move to another country and leave my 16 year old behind in America. She has been playing Minecraft off and on for a bit now but she is still in learning mode as well as me. This is her first time on a server. As a way to spend time together, she suggested that I take up the game and that we play on a server so we could have some semblance of being together. Kind of nice building a home together in cyber space, you know. I am totally new and have no idea how to do things. It's been a struggle for me figuring out this game. I am perplexed as to how with all your rules and monitoring in place that someone seems to keep coming into the house that we are building and tearing stuff up but that is besides the point. The birch wood sky high tower on the deck was not amusing. I don't know how to get up that high (fortunately my daughter is better than me at figuring these things out and she took care of it). My daughter built the house not me. I'm just stumbling around trying to keep up with her. She explained griefing to me when we started. I am befuddled for your need of an apology on bended knee. My daughter says I am outdated, but I really started enjoying the game when someone on the chat recommended warp resource. Felt like I was finally getting the knack of it. I decided to build an underground garden to impress my daughter when she got back on. There is an 8 hour time difference you see and a small window of time for us to play together. It took me forever to figure out how to get the watermelons to work. I still haven't figured out how to get seeds out of the carrots. I wish I knew how people are getting up so high to reach stuff. This game is a struggle for me and I am playing it to be with my daughter. Mistakes are a way of learning you know. We have a nice little house going mostly due to her. It would be nice of you to unban me. I mean, I don't think you are two bit rule bound Nazis, are you? Have a heart for God's sake. Why do you want to come back: To interact with my daughter. To learn to play this game on a server with other people. To figure out where you are suppose to get resources because they seem impossibly hard to find and when you do take them it seems to be at the expense of someone else. My daughter got a horse but I have no idea where to find animals. They won't follow me through the warp from the resource place and now I'm wondering if I'm even allowed to kill them in the resource area. It's a vague fog navigating through this game. A little kindness would be welcome. Ceallach Mhic Thréanfhir Country Carlow Ireland RE: Ban Appeal - Rowebot - 03-17-2016 Judy, I am dad (older than you) whose son's girlfriend got us sucked into minecraft (my wife, daughter and son-in-law have no interest). Stick with it. But you do need an hour or two of help from someone who knows Hometown and the minecraft game better than your daughter does, to avoid being banned permanently from Hometown. I rolled back grief that you did to the melon stems at /warp resource. Given that the resource world should have no builds on it because it is reset frequently, I don't ban and rarely send warning emails as I fix my melon farm build. And I did not in your case. Also, all animals on the resource world are fair game to be killed. But only horses/donkeys/mules can be moved back to the main world. I don't know what grief you did to get banned by Vilneas. Vil needs to decide if your appeal is good enough to be unbanned. We need our not-so-long list of rules and we ban griefers immediately because there a lot of people who enjoy destroying things for fun. So, see /rules or really pay attention to the tutorial if you must redo it to be unbanned. The biggest rule is: if you did not build it or plant it then don't touch it without permission like my signs at the melon farm give permission. Don't build without permission any closer than 100 blocks from anybody else's build. Try not to mine, harvest trees or kill/capture animals any closer than 100 blocks to a build. But you need to know a bit about minecraft to know what is natural and what is player built. Melons are harvested by punching or using an axe. They drop melon slices. These can be put into a crafting area (the 2x2 in your inventory or a crafting table) to convert them to melon seeds to be planted in soil (dirt right-clicked with a hoe). Google is your friend, google "minecraft melon" and you can read all about melons on the minecraft wiki or the many YouTube videos for people who prefer to see/hear rather than read how to do something. Carrots are not converted to seeds but are planted in soil as is. Same for potatoes. Sugar cane plants in dirt or sand beside water. Beetroot and wheat drop with seeds -- plant the beetroot_seeds and seeds not the beetroot and wheat into soil. Another complication is that you need water within 4 blocks of the soil or the soil eventually reverts to dirt killing the plant. Melons and pumpkins grow beside the plants and are crafted into melon_seeds and pumpkin_seeds to plant in soil. Horses (donkeys & mules) can be transported while riding them by using /warp <warpname> only -- /home does not work. But there is a glitch that happens too frequently. You get to the new location and the horse is not there. If you quickly (within a minute) logout and log back in, the horse will appear. If you wait too long to log out or log back in, the horse is gone. If your shared house is anywhere close to /spawn, then you will be repeatably griefed by new players that do not follow the rules and are shortly banned when their griefing is found. Anytime there are changes to the house by other players, you should contact staff and we will rollback the grief -- don't try to fix it yourself because that makes our job more complicated. You can do "/list" to see all players sorted by rank. Or look for staff ranks by doing: /list mod, /list admin, /list guardian, or /list founder My recommendation to you, if Vil unbans you is two fold. #1: Learn what the rules mean by reading /rules and asking people on chat. If I am online, don't hesitate to ask me (Rowebot) -- we can use /msg <name> <chat-text> to start a private chat then do /r <reply-chat-text> to keep the private chat going back and forth. #2: Move your house far away from Spawn. Join a town or do /random many times until you find a nice spot to do "/sethome" so "/home" brings you back there, or ask me to help you and your daughter find a nice spot. RE: Ban Appeal - Judyspag - 03-17-2016 Thank you so much for your help. It is much appreciated. That is all fantastic information that I had no idea about. I did get the hang of growing melons although my garden is rather sloppy because I didn't exactly know how to lay it out properly and the infinite water kind of went all over the place. I'm slowly getting the basics -- I think! I certainly didn't intend to cause any problems on the server for anyone. I'm not a thief just a beginner. Although my daughter fixed the walls and figured out how to install and lock a fence so whoever would stop destroying our deck -- we still have a furnace and a chest hidden behind a stairwell because someone came and locked it before we could figure out how to do it. I will absolutely go to you with questions. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. I really like this complicated, creative game called Minecraft. It's going to be fun when I get the hang of it I can tell. I do hope they unban me. Have a great one! Hopefully see you back on there. -Ceallach RE: Ban Appeal - vilneas - 03-17-2016 offender: Irishninja03 offendee: /warp town timeline: i was doing a normal run through of warp town for some grief when i cam across 3 skulls that had been removed from there locations. i turned on co i and checked to see who removed them and found Irishninja03 was the one to take them. i rolled back the area and banned with appeal. evidence: http://imgur.com/a/IVLue observation: while some may feel that taking 3 skulls is not that big of a deal, people paid to get those skulls with the money that they worked hard to get on the server. my golden rule of the server is if you did not make it you dont break it. i understand where you are coming from with wanting to spend time with your daughter on the server, my son plays on the server as well. i appreciate you being honest and genuine in the appeal and as Rowe has said in his comment please dont be afraid to reach out to anyone on the server, staff included, for any help in understanding something that you are confused on. as well as that /rules is always there for you too. upon your return i have to ask that you give back the three skulls that you have taken as i have already rolled back the area and they have been brought back. i will unban you and i must repeat, always ask questions instead of doing something that may get you banned again. welcome back to HomeTown. RE: Ban Appeal - Judyspag - 03-18-2016 I didn't realize that about the skulls. How do I give them back? I don't remember where they came from? Thanks. Rowebot. I tried to send you mail but it said error: Player unknown. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I will keep trying. Thanks for working on my house. Nothing is missing. I went to warp melon. Very cool. Vilneas, Thanks for the unban! RE: Ban Appeal - vilneas - 03-18-2016 if you happen to see any staff online just give the skulls to them and inform them that i told you to do so. also for sending a mail you need the players full in game name, for rowe that would be david_alan_rowe i believe. RE: Ban Appeal - Judyspag - 03-18-2016 Thanks, Vilneas. I'm am pretty pathetic at this but I'm getting better. RE: Ban Appeal - Rowebot - 03-18-2016 You can reach me several ways -- just say my in-game-name (ign) with a hi. Do a 't' to start a chat line and say Hi Rowebot. Do a '/msg Rowebot <private_chat_text...>', once I reply to you, you can reply back with just '/r <private_chat_reply_text...>' You should be able to do '/mail send Rowebot <mail_message_text...>'. But like Vilneas says, you may have to use my Minecraft login name: David_Alan_Rowe for /mail send. The Rowebot in game name is only for Hometownmc. These are all short one liners. These forums also has a private message mechanism that lets you send a longer message. Click on my Rowebot name to reach my profile and on the bottom left click "send Rowebot a private message". Only issue, these new forums, don't give me an alert at the top about private messages anymore. |