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/seen adding afk time - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: /seen adding afk time (/showthread.php?tid=4719)

/seen adding afk time - PewDiePie_10 - 04-11-2019

I think that when you use /seen It should show the time a certain player has been afk so you can check if they have passed an afk farm's time limit.

RE: /seen adding afk time - Cil - 04-11-2019

Is there an actual plugin that has this?

RE: /seen adding afk time - Cil - 04-11-2019

Anyways' I think /playtime might be a good plugin as well

RE: /seen adding afk time - PewDiePie_10 - 04-13-2019

or /afktime (name)

RE: /seen adding afk time - Penguin - 04-13-2019

AFKPlus lets you see how long someone has been afk

I'm not sure about the logistics of combining it with our current afk system, but from the looks of AFK+ it's a complete replacement for the plugin we're using atm