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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Countingstars24 - 06-20-2019

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Countingstars24

Reason for your ban: Grief

Who banned you: Illogical

Why should you be unbanned: I normally don't grief I tend to stick to myself and and do my own thing. I made a mistake even knowing the consequences and I am deeply sorry for it. I would love to fix the damages I have made but if I can remember some of them might not be fixable for me like gathering animals so I completely understand if you don't want to unban me. 

Why do you want to come back: SMP is a great server even though I haven't been on for long its a place were I can let some creative energy flow without the cheating of creative mode. The community is very friendly though i'm shy and don't really talk much in chat the residents seem open to new friends if I ever open up. 

Why did you do this?: I was in a bad mood (personal reasons) the other day and basically this whole week and just needed to release some of that I didn't intend to damage as much as I did. 

How will you prevent this from happening again?: How I can prevent this is maybe opening up more on the server and have some friends to talk to and keep me company. I will only use /wild to hunt for caves or food and stay clear of other peoples items whenever i'm in a bad mood.

What have you learned from this?: I definitely learned from this not being able to go on one of my favorite servers has made me feel lonely and that I should change my ways of doing things to make the community a better place for the others who play on the server. 

RE: Ban Appeal - illogicalsong - 06-20-2019

I appreciate the thoroughness of your appeal, and appreciate your apology.

We do want to help with things (believe me I've gotten a lot of support through this server), and if you need to get some feelings out, there's always more constructive ways it can be done even on server, whether you wanna start up a pvp match, talk to someone, etc (in fact I think someone is hosting a 'bomb my village' event at some point, they have it up on the forums somewhere for the info). There are a lot of free public farms for food and such as well, which would be better than using people's personal farms.

I've decided to have you unbanned, please have another look at /rules and /warp rules when you get back, I also will need any stolen items back

You have been unbanned, welcome back to Hometown!