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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - BloodReaoer - 02-24-2024

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):smp.hometownmc.com:25565

Minecraft name: BloodReaoer

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): It says that i have been banned for x-raying and they do not take it lightly and my ban appeal must be good.

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I sincerely regret my decisions for using x-ray and i realize that my actions affect the server by ruining the money system. i understand that my decisions of using x-ray affected the server. I sincerely apologize for the following and i am willing to forfeit my "64 Deepslate Diamond Ores" for the regarding. hope you find this in your best health.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back so i can not say goodbye to the memories i have made on the server and not lose my friends. i also want to be a part of such a good community. Thank you


RE: Ban Appeal - melaniebeedot - 02-25-2024

Thank you for your appeal. Please answer the following questions in multiple, complete sentences, to demonstrate your full understanding of these concepts:

1. Why do you think we have a zero-tolerance policy for x-ray?

2. How does x-raying affect:
     a. other players?
     b. shop owners?
     c. the server's economy as a whole?

3. Why should a second chance be given to someone who was well aware of the rules and chose to break them anyway?

RE: Ban Appeal - BloodReaoer - 01-15-2025

Hello, I'm sorry for the late response. I'd like to reply, 

1. X-raying affects the server's economy which if people use they would have an unfair advantage over people and would likely make the economy go straight down

2. a) other players get affected as you get a very big advantage over them and likely they would not be able to match your earnings and likely ruin their experience

2. b) shop owners would not be able to handle this and the economy would go down as the demand will decrease and the availability would increase incredibly and so other players who work hard won't get profit

2. c) the economy would go down the value of these resources will go down so others who work hard will have no profit but there would be inflation and result in nobody wanting to buy these resources. 

3. You're absolutely right I did x-ray for my greed and to have an advantage over other people but since after that I have realised my mistake, I want to contribute to the community and make it a better place and I'm looking forward to meet everyone again. 

Thank you
Yours sincerely

RE: Ban Appeal - melaniebeedot - 01-18-2025

Your responses are rather short considering you've had quite a long time to write them... but you do seem to understand everything I've asked for you and answered in concise responses.

I've brought your appeal before the team and we've agreed to give you a second chance and consider your ban ''time served''.

As per our xray ban protocols, all of your diamonds, diamond ores, diamond/netherite gear/tools have been confiscated and your balance has been reset to $0.

Please visit /warp tutorial upon your return and review the rules.

Welcome back.