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I am new - Printable Version

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I am new - Adi - 09-01-2024

Server you were banned on smp.hometown.com

Minecraftname: .Adi5eln5146w 

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): grief,again.

Who banned you: esptree

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I wasn’t aware that if I steal stuff from chest I get ban I am sorry for what I did I would like a second chance.

Why do you want to come back: It has two reasons. First this server is so peacefull and the members are so friendly that I like so much and second reason is I want to make good friends in server and play with them.

RE: I am new - esptree - 01-21-2025

My apologies for the delayed reply - I must have missed when you first posted your appeal.

As it's been over 4 months since you were banned and your grief wasn't a lot in the first place, you have been unbanned.
Please read the rules again when you return, and don't ignore staff's warnings multiple times in the future.

Welcome back!