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New survival map that has the Geophilic world generation data pack - Printable Version

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New survival map that has the Geophilic world generation data pack - vinnyg_0621 - 11-04-2024

you know the main survival map? that one just has the plain vanilla generation. so I am suggesting a new survival map just like the main map that has the Geophilic data pack, so that the world looks much prettier! and that map's world border would be 200,000 blocks across! if a map like that was created, then I could build an awesome home in a much prettier world! ?
here is the datapack link: https://modrinth.com/datapack/geophilic
and here are some warp suggestions:
  • /warp OverhauledBiomes
  • /warp VanillaOverhauled
  • /warp OverhauledNature
  • /warp OverhauledSurvival

RE: New survival map that has the Geophilic world generation data pack - vinnyg_0621 - 11-20-2024

more data packs for the map! : https://modrinth.com/datapack/stony-cliffs-are-cool



RE: New survival map that has the Geophilic world generation data pack - TheDutyPaid - 11-25-2024

Do they work via geyser for bedrock players?

RE: New survival map that has the Geophilic world generation data pack - the4neko - 11-25-2024

Did not really looked deeply into these, but guessing pregenerating a map using a mod and then using it as "vanilla" could work as far as there are no custom blocks, mobs and entities, the question is how the server would handle such a large map (the world border is there for a reason).