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I should've told u - Printable Version

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I should've told u - FIXEDCELL_747129 - 12-24-2024

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTownSMP

Minecraft username: FIXEDCELL_747129  (Previously .Fixedcell747129)

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Ban evasion

Who banned you: melaniebeedot 

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I think I know why u banned me. I basically "Admitted" to doing Xray and now joined as another account. So I got banned.
But why would he admit to Xraying? Well the answer is a lot more embarrassing than you think. I recently ordered this new PC so I could finally play on Java. But I couldn't get multiplayer to work. 

I automatically assumed it was my old account glitching with my new one. So I purposely attempted to get myself banned. I didnt want to just ask them to ban me since I didnt know if that would work or not. So I did the next best option. Lied about Xraying. After immediately getting banned, I thought that would be enough. It was NOT.
I finally got it to work a bit later and joined into HomeTown. I didn't want to tell anyone what happened because I felt Embarrassed of lying of Xray. 5 min later I was banned for "Ban Evasion"   

Why do you want to come back: 

I want to come back to enjoy the feel of survival on Java. Although the entire reason I switched was for servers. Like Hometown. Im sorry for lying like that and if I every went back in time id make sure that wouldn't happen again. 

RE: I should've told u - melaniebeedot - 12-25-2024

We don't just ban players for saying they've been x-raying...

[Image: ootwPcS.png]

You forgot the part where I /jailed you when you said that, to begin to investigate your mines, and you logged off.

Anyway, here's what I found.

In your most recent bout of mining, you were making one of those typical left, right, up window patterns to happen upon diamonds, but by the 3rd one, you break pattern and make your "left window" one ahead and two up instead, to directly expose hidden diamonds, that wouldn't have been exposed if you had stuck to your pattern... but lets chalk that one up to luck, I suppose.

[Image: M9yYzZ4.png]

You continue back with the window pattern again, then you suddenly skip ahead a ways, and happen to stop at the exact spot for your next "right window" to be directly into diamonds...

[Image: UfrHfdF.png]

You continue your pattern again for good measure so as not to seem too suspicious, and then happen upon diamonds again on your left as you continue, we'll chalk it up to more luck, a decent mining trip so far, gg.

[Image: O6YnbLy.png]

From there you found yourself tunneling into a large iron/tuff patch, where you piddled around a bit, and then happened to find 3 diamond ore veins... 

1. the first diamond vein I can chalk up to luck, as you mined around seemingly aimlessly within the iron/tuff patch and happened upon it, and then continued mining around aimlessly again, 

2. but when it comes to the second vein, you dropped down and made a perfect L shape directly to it, no aimless mining to appear as though you happened upon it this time, almost like you knew exactly where it was... 

3. and then for the third vein, you returned back to where the first vein was, and from there staircased diagonally upwards directly to it, no aimless mining to happen upon it there either, almost like you knew exactly where it was again...

[Image: zuz5exr.png]

Here's another view of the same area from the other side, to better show how you L-shaped directly to vein #2, and then from where vein #1 used to be, you staircased right up to vein #3 afterwards:

[Image: rYPZKdn.png]

I just can't keep chalking these up to luck. Especially when you're getting obvious and mining directly to them without even trying to hide it anymore. 

And this mining session wasn't a one-off, I looked further back in your mining logs, and you seem to try to pull this same stunt every once in a while, putting on the window mining pattern, but then can't help yourself, going off pattern to snag those hidden diamonds that you just happen to know are there off to the side and two blocks up, that wouldn't have been exposed had you stayed on pattern...

[Image: bPw70dC.png]

Or here, randomly off a tunnel someone else had dug, you happened to know these ones were in the ground a few blocks into the wall?

[Image: fZh3FkV.png]

Like... I'm not buying it. 

Idk why you're trying to flip-flop now, to say you weren't actually x-raying and spinning this whole story instead... but you should've just stuck to the truth.