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Ban Appeal 2nd try - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal 2nd try - Axton360 - 02-01-2025

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Hometown 

Minecraft username: It was Axton360 now Fadeddang

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): grand theft, beacon theft, and beacon base theft; that's a lot of theft! Haven't we been here before?  

Who banned you: Essyjinx 

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Hello Essy this time for this Ban appeal I will not use AI I will not lie and I'll try my very best to succeed. I want to be unbanned cause I want to try one last time to join back to this cool community and play once more if I do misbehave just perma ban me I deserve it. but I do deserve getting Perma banned cause of my wrongdoings BUTT this is what I'm willing to do since I sold everything I had cause of my theft whatever I stole will be my dept that I will have to pay off over time and the second 5 real-life days In the honeycomb thingy AND for me to go down in my rank once. I want to be unbanned mainly cause I like chatting with the other server members They are nice and you are too but I've been banned for a while and I haven't finished my builds I know that you will say no to my cough (demands) but its what I'm willing to do just to get back on One More Time you could say to finish what I started. -Axton And I did not use AI this time Ha  

Why do you want to come back: so I can build Discover and farm for hours my undying motivation to get back on this server so please Essyjinx see me as a 15-year-old and let me this once come back to finish my legacy -with this I Axton. B will never and I mean never commit a crime in the HomeTownMC-kinda cringe sry

RE: Ban Appeal 2nd try - Essayjinx - 02-20-2025

Thank you for your patience in waiting!

Bearing in mind the list of items taken in your last appeal, please answer these questions in your own words, with no AI help:

- what is the impact of of grief and theft on the server and other players?

- why must you write your own responses to these questions?