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Doc Tales
So, its been a while since i had some fun, and with school starting up i thought i'd bring this sucker back.

A small place and a big scare.
Some of you might not know it, but i live in a quiet small town (really more like a village) with around 800 people.
and recently we've had some scary stories in the news.
now, i've never been much of a news reader, but recently there has been a lot of bad stuff happening which kinda jolted my awareness.
A girl was murdered in a town near me, stabbed by a boy with a knife, and it was a big deal. and later 3 fires were reported near the city i go to school in. it was later discovered that one of the people who started a fire was a girl in her early 20s, and she was related to the person who stabbed the girl in another town.
I know these small posts are called Doc Tales, but i thought i would talk about this since it is one of the worst things to happen near me in a long while. I did not know the people who were killed, but i feel sorry to know that their families, and the killers' families had to suffer through this and know what happened. Heart

Train station situation.
So, from a sad thing to a story of me noticing a bunch of weird people in my least favourite place
I should mention that i was never a big fan of people who smoke in public places.
But this story took place yesterday, i was at the train station by myself while waiting for the train, (which was late again, i swear its like they want me to suffer)
And as i sit there, suddenly 4 big guys come and sit down near me and they all start smoking right away (blowing it in my face). After i've sat there for a while i hear them quiet down for a second, before suddenly they start talking about how one of them stole a car and started smoking with his friends in that stolen car after they'd gotten away from the police. They later left after they noticed i'd been listening to their conversation. Confused

A little while later came a woman. (i didn't care to guess where she was from, but she looked Indian) She picked up her phone and i assume she went on facebook. and then suddenly it blasted out what sounded like hindi dubstep music, and i struggled to keep myself from laughing. It turned out someone had called her phone and that was her ringtone. But when she started talking to whomever she was talking to, she went from a quiet old lady to an old lady who sounded like she was about to kill a bitch. Exclamation

moral of the story.... the train station is where i meet the strangest people.

And that concludes the first part of the all new Doc tales, i'll be writing more of these whenever i get some off time in school. Keep on the lookout for em  Exclamation
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

Aye some weird sh*t happens at that train station... probs cursed.

Call an excorcist.
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 

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