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Ban appeal for Kode364
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):  Smp, and Fourms

Minecraft name: Kode364

Reason for ban: "Banned by Grimme_Wolf for Caps/Spam Fuck off"

Who banned you: Grimme_Wolf I assume.

Why should you be unbanned: Truth be told, I completely forgot about my Kode364 Minecraft account.  It's been atleast 2 or so years now, and it's time I clear my name. I don't know the policy for such a thing, but "Fuck off" doesn't seem rather inviting to want to come back, but I decided why not clear my name.  I know someone reported me for saying "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" or something like that, and while it probably happened I have no memory of doing such a thing. I kind of only realized I was banned when I was trying to get my Kode364 account back, and out of curiosity googled it to find my forum account banned. This prompted me to log in the game and also see that ban message. 

Why do you want to come back: I'd rather not be negligently ban evading, and want to make a decent return to hometown. Now, I don't play a lot, but this server still has sentimental value to me, and I'd like to experience it one more time. 
Unfortunately due to your multiple offenses in the past, you will not be unbanned on our server. Use of alts to ban evade will result in the ban of those accounts as well.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!

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