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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: SirJorahM

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Name Calling, Disrespect, Engaging Trolls

Who banned you: Nether and Mel

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): So without spinning up all the cherub info again ill link the thread that I was involved in. Here it is

SO... Why should I be unbanned? I have had a few incidents on the server since joining in 2016. With that in mind I have had a lot of positive interaction and impact on the server. I have made friends and memories that will last a life time. I have done everything I can to stabilize server economy, distribute wealth freely, and do what I can as a end user to make the server better.

With the situation above, not my proudest moment for sure. I want to make it clear I feel vindicated in snapping back at cherub. I am only human and when you poke and poke and poke at someone who has made it abundantly clear they do not like you, they are going to snap back at you. Should I have done it? no. Could I have done it with less harmful words? Yeah. Would I do it again? probably not. 

I want to highlight a few things to. There were 2 staff members online when this interaction happened. They were obviously afk, but even after posting in get help there was no reply until Neko messaged me hours later. I understand the best way to prevent a grease fire is to not leave grease laying around but once its going, something needs to stop it otherwise catastrophic things happen. 

I would like to come back because even after all this, I am helping people with builds, working on my own projects, and generally being a productive member of the server. 

Am I sorry to cherub? No
Am I sorry for the situation in general? Absolutely. It could have and should have been handled better.
Thank you for acknowledging that the way you chose to handle the situation was not appropriate, it seems you fully understand that there were better ways you could have gone about it, and would not handle it the same way again if it were to come up.

We acknowledge that you were caught in this unfortunate situation because the player you had /ignored was circumventing the ignore using the discord channel, and due to the limitations of the plugin, there's nothing we can do to fix it, except handle it manually when the situation arises.

Regarding the point you highlighted, I'm glad you brought that up, as I was going to mention it too. When something is happening in the server that requires staff attention, and if staff are afk/not responding, yes, the appropriate action is to ping staff in #get-help. However, you waited 40 minutes after she started talking to you, before reporting it in #get-help? By the time you pinged staff, the fight was over, so I'm a bit confused on your analogy about staff taking hours to reply, that we needed to respond quicker to stop the grease fire from becoming catastrophic, when actually the blaze had already turned into an inferno and burned down to embers before staff were even notified... If you had pinged staff at the start, there may have been someone available to put a stop to it before it got so out of hand. Just food for thought. In the future, please ping staff right away.
After some further thought, you're correct mel. Food for thought has been thoroughly digested.
I appreciate you taking this in stride.

You have been unbanned.

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