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Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: Ayush07noobb

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Ban evation

Who banned you: Dorito (I don't know the full name)

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I love this server a lot and I miss this server

Why do you want to come back: all my progress I did it took hardwork to do progress
Since I'm already handling your other two bans, I've talked with Dorito and will take over this ban appeal too.

I've talked to you, in game about ban evasion, telling you it's against the rules and you decided to change your account name and joined again. I don't understand why, you could have appeal like I told you, and wait day or two, reply to my questions and be unbanned. Now we have to go through this...

At this point I'm tired of trying to help you, so I won't give you any more questions, write a LONG (at least two paragraphs) appeal for this ban evasion if you wanna play here again.

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