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1st Shift Tales
@Pengu, I still remember the first forum signature of Grimm's I ever saw, and it was in Italian. I Google translated it, and though now I'd expect nothing less, it was a shiver-inducing quote. I remember it, but if I tried to type it out, I'd straight butcher the spelling of just about everything with the exception of "mi chiamo" and "vendetta".

What better reason do you need to learn a pretty language than to spit threats, and not sound threatening to someone who doesn't speak it?
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
(09-11-2017, 12:28 PM)TheNamesGames Wrote: This reminds me of that small donut shop at the mall... it doesnt have dice-sized spiders tho.

(09-21-2017, 11:54 PM)Penguin Wrote: Grimm, don't get involved with the Italian mafia. They don't have variety donut holes.

Also  how come you speak Italian?
Well, when I was told I needed four semesters of bloody foreign language in university, my choices were pretty limited.  For starters, I didn't want to learn new alphabets or write backwards, so that left the Romantic languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Latin.

Well, Latin's a dead language, fuck Spanish (took that in highschool and hated it), I didn't want to learn German, I had a French-Canadian friend who warned me against French, so that left me with Italian. :P

(09-22-2017, 02:20 AM)Star Wrote: @Pengu, I still remember the first forum signature of Grimm's I ever saw, and it was in Italian. I Google translated it, and though now I'd expect nothing less, it was a shiver-inducing quote. I remember it, but if I tried to type it out, I'd straight butcher the spelling of just about everything with the exception of "mi chiamo" and "vendetta".

What better reason do you need to learn a pretty language than to spit threats, and not sound threatening to someone who doesn't speak it?
lmao I remember that signature.  It was back when I first started using that Akane Tsunemori skin, which I based off Lady Justice.  If I recall right, it went something like: Mi chiamo Justizia.  Cerco per la veritá con occhi ciechi; avró la mia vendetta.

It translates to:  My name is Justice.  I look for the truth with blind eyes; I will have my revenge.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

It's been awhile since I posted anything, as work's been mildly routine lately but I have some stories now.  Because I lost count of which days these stories belong to, I'll just title them and post them as short stories.

"Wait, how many? o.0"
This happened a couple of weeks ago, and it made everyone in the store pause in silent pain-especially our donut cook.  A school put in an order for 200 dozen glazed donuts and 200 dozen chocolate-glazed donuts, which is a total of 4,800 donuts.  Needless to say, our cook was groaning the whole way that Saturday, which happens to be our busiest days, too.  Luckily for our customers, this meant that between 4AM and 1PM, we had the freshest donuts in town.  Literally, we were pulling them from the fryer, letting them cool quickly, glazed them, and handed them out.  They were all piping hot, fluffy, and delicious according to our customers that day.

"Thank you for your service, sir!"
This happened this week.  An older man came to our store.  He walked with a cane and had braces in his legs, they were screwed into his bones.  The man had a hat that said, "Disabled Veteran".  I'm from a military family, so I asked what branch he served in and he told us that he served for 32 years in the US Navy.  A woman seated at a table behind him got up and walked to the counter, where she offered to pay for his dozen of donuts.  She said it was the least she could for this man and the sacrifices he made.  The event left us in awe of this act of charity.  He had some bitchin' tattoos, too.

"Did they really pay us with this?"
This happened yesterday.  Two girls came into our store, and they ordered a couple of donuts and a drink.  One of the girls hands me a $20 and tells me, "my grandfather gave me this; I hope it still works".  I looked at her odd and noticed the bill was old.  I paid out her order, gave her the due change, and they were on their way.  I told my co-worked what happened and looked at the bill.  Upon inspection, we saw why she was concerned.  This $20 bill was from 1934.  A quick Google search came up with its worth being placed up to $60.  Apparently this is a common occurrence, as the youngest employee, Lamb, collects old/international coins and bills that come through the store.  Unfortunately, before we could get a replacement $20 to exchange this bill out of the register with, the owner makes a trip to the bank with that bill in tow.  Still a cool experience.

"Hey, you know what you'll absolutely hate to make?"
A little background story, our donut cook, Mother, hates making iced donut holes.  The process is tedious, as it requires that she hand-makes every one of them.  Well, me and Sharp, a co-worker, realized what Mother's worst task would be and told her.  "Imagine how you'd feel about making maple-bacon donut holes."  She looked at us with such displeasure we just laughed.  It would require that she hand-makes the holes, fry them, frost them all, and dip them all into bacon bits individually before the icing cooled.  She told us, "the day we start selling those is the day I'm gone".  We then asked her about jelly-filled donut holes; she looked close to flipping us off.  lmao

"Your total is $x.38 today, ma'am"
I was expecting this to happen one day, and I was right.  A woman comes by the store and orders a few donuts and a cup of water.  Well, I had to ask a co-worker how much we charge for a cup of water (water's free, you buy the cup), and she said $0.35.  Here's the important bit, that's the price you punch into the register and then you add the tax, which would make it $0.38 in total.  Well, the woman knew how much the donuts would be and handed us $x.35 in change.  I told her we needed $0.03 more, the woman flips out.  "Why?! I gave you exact change! What did you mess up on?! I don't know what you did wrong but I gave you the money!"  We explained to her that what she heard was before tax, she wouldn't take it.  She accused of attempting to steal $0.03 from her because "she knew what she heard".  Anyway, she hands over the $0.03 eventually and states it would be the last time she came to our store.  The whole situation was inane.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

Hello I'd like to place an order for 48,000 donuts please
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
(10-13-2017, 04:38 AM)Star Wrote: Hello I'd like to place an order for 48,000 donuts please

[Image: vwwn9.jpg]
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

Three more stories. 

"Oh! I think I know what that is."
This story just got finished yesterday.  A week ago, one of my Hispanic co-workers, whom I'll call Maria, found out I was half-Filipino, so she talked about a Filipino woman she knew many years ago.  In particular, she talked about a recipe she would make that Maria described as a "Filipino butter cake with a cheesecake texture", and it sounded familiar to me.  The name of it escaped me, so I just Googled "Filipino butter rice cake".  Figured that would be the best guess.  Sure enough, the first image I showed her was it.  She was talking about bibingka, which is a type of rice cake with coconut and butter.  Anyway, I went to the store over the course of a week to gather ingredients to make it, which I did Friday night and brought to work on Saturday when I was off.  I found out today she hadn't had this since-I'm assuming-her teenage son was born, so over a decade.  She was quite happy with it and she finally learned the name so she can make it herself.

"*inner monologue* the fuck is my pen?!... That's not it!"
This happened today.  All the aprons in the store were being washed today, so I didn't get one for my shift.  Kinda sucks getting glaze and jellies all over your clothes, but whatever.  The true annoyance for me was the fact I usually hang my pens off the apron.  I do this so I always have a pen with me for taking down long orders.  Anyway, I didn't have that option.  At one point, I put the pen in one of my pockets.  When a customer came by, I tried feeling for my pen in all my pockets and couldn't find it.  I know I clipped it onto my pants.  In my haste, I thought I found my pen's clip and started to pull it out of my pants, only I stopped when I realized I was pulling my pocket knife out.  We're allowed to have personal knives for box-opening, etc. so I bring my own, which happens to be this: Wilson-Elite Rapid-Response Folder.  It's a small combat knife I've had since 2012.  So I almost pulled a knife to write an order down.  I found my pen clipped to the adjacent pocket. lol

"Sharp's crashing!  Get Dr. Bossman and Dr. Grimm in here, now!"
Foreword: no one was in a medical emergency, we were just fucking around.

Sharp, one of my co-workers, loves old-fashioned, glazed cake-donuts with a passion.  She pretty much eats herself sick on them and coffee, which is funny because she's as thin as a post.  Anyway, Maria and I always playfully poke fun at her.  We were joking about Sharp not getting her donut-fix and started to crash.  The ensuing dialogues went something like this:
Maria: Uh oh, Sharp's looking like she's about to pass out.
Sharp: I am, I'm tired.
Grimm: She looks like she needs her fix.
Sharp: shut up! xD
Maria: don't worry, Sharp, Dr. Grimm and Dr. Bossman will be here for you when you crash.
Sharp: stahp! xD
Grimm:  Yeah, we'll be here alright, 'oh no! Get an IV drip of coffee and push 3CCs of old-fashion!'
Maria and Sharp: *lol'ing hard*
Grimm:  We'll break one of those cookies in front of your nose like ammonia salts if we have to. xD
Sharp: You two are not right. xD

Funny moments like this happen a lot in the food-industry whenever things slow down and there's nothing else to do except wait for customers.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

my life is boring af
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
I forgot to post two of them.

"Is it enough for a hot and ready?"
This refers to a rather unique measure Maria uses to determine if it was a good day when it comes to tips.  "If at the end of the day you can get a 'hot and ready' for yourself, then it was a good day."  She's talking about a pizza from Little Ceasar's. xD If you can buy a Little Ceasar's pizza with just tips alone, it was a good day.  That would amount to around $5.50 or more.  Depending on who's on shift, we usually make $6-10 per shift after the tip jar is split.

"Even when you're alone here, you're not really alone."
For those of you who take any serious interest or belief in the supernatural, my workplace is supposedly haunted according to my co-workers.  Mother has told me stories of the shit she's seen when working alone at night.  Depending on the day, she works from 9PM up until 7AM-12PM the following day, which means she alone for a solid 3-5hrs some nights.  Supposedly, she's heard voices that aren't there, sees things out of the corner of her eyes, stuff operates by itself, things get knocked over, etc.  Mr. Bossman didn't believe her at first when she said the dishwasher turns on by itself some nights, which would require the power-button to be turned on and the cycle button pressed.  He learned firsthand that it does when he and Mother were alone one night.  She was on the other side of the kitchen when it started suddenly, he checked it out himself thinking someone was trespassing.  No one was there.  Mother told me the story of two co-workers who died.  One was killed in a car collision.  The other had surgery and was advised against taking an over-the-counter medicine, which she continued taking regardless of the warning.  She ended up hospitalized, then comatose, and then she died.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

Grimm you better watch out or the lost souls of all the one’s youve been roasting will come with Mojang lawsuits to claim your head
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 

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