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Doc Tales
(11-15-2017, 02:42 PM)The_4thdoctor Wrote: Its that time again, i got more Tales from my life.

Those are some hot shoes you got there
So, a long time ago, my class and i were on a camping trip in the snow, it was really fun, and we stayed up super late. but after the sun went down, it got really cold, and people started to gather around the fire and tell stories. one of the people (we used to just call him Ole) had gotten really into a story told by one of the others around the fire. he leaned his legs forward to heat them up, and before he had even realized, his shoes were melting around his feet.
lets just say that the next day wasnt that fun for him, when it came to the walk home.

You did WHAT last night?!?!
This story takes place around a year ago, during christmas season. My cousin Malin was sleeping out in the attic with me, she layed in the other end of the room, and was being very very loud. I told her to shut up and go to sleep, but she didnt stop, at one point she started throwing candy at me so i wouldnt fall asleep, and i quit trying to get her to shut up. I opened my window and jumped down from the 2nd floor, went inside and made myself a smoothie and drank up. when i finally got back up to the window and climbed back in, Malin was suprised to see that i hadnt broken my legs after jumping. then she came over to the window and i showed her that there was a support beam to slide down in case of fires, and she slapped me in the face for making her worry about me. after that she stopped being loud, and we both went to bed, tho my face was still red from the slap. Sleepy
This is why i love Malin, She's my favorite
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
So, i got another bunch of my tales, i'm gonna go into some personal stuff. You have been warned!
Well, before i get into the sad stuff, im gonna start off by something a bit cheery, and after the sad stuff, i'll end with my stupid story of the day.

2 years!
On December 6th i celebrated my 2 year anniversary on HomeTown, but its also a special day because that means Kat has been staff for 2 years now. Happy staff aniversary to you!
in the last 2 years i have met a lot of amazing people, and i hope to meet a lot more people, i have had some bad things happen to me lately, but i am so glad the people of this server are here to help me feel better and help me through difficult times. Thank you all so very much. I am exited for my 3rd year of HomeTown!

First of all, i want to start this off by saying that i'm not posting this to get attention, I just wanted to inform you why i havent felt up to work a lot on the server lately.
I still visit the server every day on minechat, and some times on pc, but lately i have been experiencing some bullying at school, and it hasnt made me feel so well. someone in my class posted a strawpoll of "who should be kicked out of class" and i was one of the options. It infuriated me and made me doubt myself a lot, i have realized that doubting myself was a stupid thing to begin with, but i am feeling better thanks to my friends. I am going to talk to the bully at one point, but for now, nothing is certain, other than him getting expelled for at least a week.
i have been rambling on about this for a little while now, and i'm sorry for getting personal, but i needed to rant.

moving on to something a bit funnier

Do you ever just have those teachers that dont listen to a fucking word you say?
well, that is basically my new math teacher, who i'll name Mrs Bull.
Today when we walked into class and sat down, Mrs Bull started acting up, and everyone got confused.
we have been given a partner in math that we have to sit next to, but in every other subject with this type of partner, we can sit wherever we want. Only difference between every other class and math, is that Mrs Bull gets fucking infuriated about not sitting in "the correct place".
So, when the class sat down, she got fucking mad, and started to command us around like we were in prison. we asked why it matters, and it just got worse. it got to the point where i stood up and asked her, "does it even fucking matter?!?" "as long as we are sitting with our partner anyway."
Mrs Bull flipped her shit and said only one word.... "NO" before she commanded us around again.
We now get marked down for not sitting in the correct place....
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

happy 2 years!
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
Mrs bull needs to calm her shit
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
actually back in the days I had school, I had a teacher like Mrs Bull, except he actually told us why he wanted us to sit at one place and it turned out it was to remember our names better
Hey Doc, I find your treads to be really entertaining, you are such an amazing guy. Hope you can retaliate or something by beating him shitless. He is probably jealous of your girlfriend and life as bullies are losers!. Can you tell more about the bully? Heart Heart Heart
What do you mean late?
I honestly do not know where to start on this one... NSB (norwegian railroad service) is basically tha bane of my existence. Every single time i've made plans, or i'm on my way to school, its always fucking delayed.
today i arrived at school an hour late because of it, and i pretty much starred in a wild goose chase. fairly certain that if it was filmed from above and the benny hill theme played. it would be fucking hillarious to watch.
It started with my mom driving me to the train station, where i found out that the train was late. so we drove to the next town over (opposite way of my school) and i had to ask the people there what was wrong. Turns out that there was a bus ariving 30 minutes after the train was supposed to leave.... and so i waited for the bus, which took 20 minutes to get me to a train station where a train could actually arrive- then i waited again.... and after it arrived, i had to sit for another 10 minutes on that train...
in conclution.... never..... ever.... expect the norwegian train service to be reliable....

Winter Wonder trip
ice skating is one of my favorite things to do during winter, and i am really good at it. so when my school went down to the lake and started ice skating, i had an amazing time. i was the 2nd fastest ice skater on the lake, and i tried racing the fastest person there.  we got to the big turn in the lake, and when i was about to brake and gain momentum the other way, i lost controll and fell over a fence that was next to the lake.... i pretty much looked like an idiot. but later i got a rematch and won. all in all, it was a pretty good day.
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

I love ice skating. I can't go often though since the nearest ice rink to me is too far away ;-;
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
Its that time again, another wave of stupid stories from my silly life! Get the popcorn and watch as i make fun of myself for your entertainment.

Underwear under where?

Now, this one is gonna sound fucking wild, and i hope you're ready to know one of the cringiest stories i've been a part of (we're starting off strong today boiiis!). So this story takes place a couple years back, after my cousin Malin had been on a visit and stayed at my place for a couple days. Every time she visits we end up having to sleep in the same room, and every time she leaves, she forgets at least 1 thing in my room.

It was about 3 days after she had left, and i had a friend over to play some games and hang out. While playing, my friend asked me if i he could charge his phone, and i told him that the socket is under my bed. He started crawling before he backed out with something pink in his hand. He stared at me for a solid minute before he asked, "Who's underwear is this?" "Have you had ladies over?"
Trust me when i say... my face was red. And looking back at it, i'm so fucking glad that i told this story in Malin's Confirmation.

Cards Against Doc

Jesus fucking christ this one infuriated me.
a couple days after christmas i decided to head to my favorite store and spend 30$ on cards against humanity, the actual game. So, when i bought the bigger blacker box, i naturally expected to get the full fucking game, considering how heavy the box was. When i got home i opened the box and realized that it was an expansion pack with barely anything inside of it, a tiny stack of cards in one corner of the box.... the rest of the box was just full of card deck sized paper weights to make the box seem full.

I tried sending the store a mail about refunding or returning the box and buying the full game, but they denied me....instead i ended up getting a mail that said the next thing i buy will be 10% off. but i'm still mad that  they sold me an almost empty box for 30 fucking dollars.

The Pizza Problem

Remember that friend from the pantie story? the one that this thread started with. This one is all about that friend.
Lets call my friend Mac.
Its about a year or two ago, a new pizza place was opened near me, and 3 of my friends decided to invite me out for pizza there. The group was me, my cousin David, Mac and Thor (another friend). We had been sitting down eating a big pizza each. we were all full and were ready to go home, as we got outside the restaurant and my friend Mac started slowing down while the rest of us walked on. I started wondering what he was doing, and i stopped walking for a second. At that moment, when i stopped, he let out a massive fart. Turns out that he wasn't actually full, and so he went home and made more food.

Moral of the story: dont eat too much air
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

"There are two things infinite; the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the universe." ~Albert Einstein

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