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WorldEdit Request Thread
1. 4515/75/-5513
2. 14x9x7
3. 4515/96/-5513

I just want build moved up 20 blocks so that it will produce iron golems in the watery thing+the 3 entities
Governor of The city of Lura

Vice Mayor of SquidTown

1. 3339, 131, 1661, New World 
2. 77x77x14
3. -2362, 190, -2933?

I wanna have the /warp cowfarm moved to the world_end along with all the cows

Ty in advance
[Image: 41alnqyt9uL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]
Username: Cerrigate
My home tower

Location: warp driftin_town_center
I want to keep the bottom of the building there to stay as the town's center. The rest of it is my home that I want to move.

coords: 2495 75 12299
               2509 123 12313

Move to: 2557 67 1176
1block2 / CHOCOMEL

1 between -1550 63 -5860 and -1561 94 -5871
2 with 11 hight 31 length 11
3 between -1546 63 -5858 and -1559 94 -5869

if you dont like math and messing with these coordinates i want the armor stand to be moved 2 blocks from the wall and 2 blocks closer to the dropper on the left side of it if youre facing the wall

kind regards chocomel

[Image: cc833075603a2f3df08b3bb2cb332fb2c13098d2.jpg]
1. current coords: -580, 115, 2926 NewWorld
2. size 24 x 29 x 20
3. new coords: -580, 117, 2956 NewWorld

i put purpur pillars in old and new spot to mark the exact spot Smile
current coords: -2630 / 64 / -4366 (world)
size: 16 x 19??? idk (Doot has seen the build)
new coords: -2630 / 69 / 4391 (world)
1. -2472, 80, 4347 New World
2. 33 long x 19 wide x 8 high
3. 3341, 94, 2319 End

My build is currently facing south, I would like to request it to face west.
I have placed a dirt marker in the area with an arrow facing west.
Hi i want smth moved a shop in neher from -149 135 -549 to-149 135 746 ty

Hi i want smth moved a shop in neher from -149 135 -549 to-149 135 746 ty
Please provide all the proper information as directed by the instructions of this thread....

You can take a look at all the requests by other players before yours as examples.
Coordinates: -35 4 572 to -47 7 586
Rough Size (LxHxW): 13x4x15
New location: Moved 1 block to the right

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