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Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor)
First all, I'd like to say I'm not going to be surprised if posting this gets me banned. I'm also expecting them to have next to no punishment, because of course any friends they may have on this server will come running to defend them. Also, I have very few screenshots because I didn't believe it would escalate to this. Here's how everything started:

I just joined the server today, after a couple of jokes, Lexachu decided I was trolling and told me to stop or else I would be muted/banned (don't remember exact words, happened about 2 hours ago). I made a few more jokes then stopped and didn't talk for about an hour and a half. I joined the Plug.Dj and had my song skipped, then read the rules and corrected it. Some kids decided that was enough to berate me, so of course I said things back to them, which got me a 24 hour ban from Plug.Dj. After messaging Lexachu demanding an explanation because it's ridiculous that I got punished for defending myself. Viloceraptor decided to intervene and message me, saying I was disrespecting staff because I said to Lexachu, "Are you ignoring me because you know I'm right?". Then I asked him how was I disrespecting staff, and he told me I needed to stop being disrespectful. I tried to understand how I was being disrespectful so I could maybe fix whatever I was doing wrong. He then told me I was "being annoying" and "pestering him". He then threatened to ban me for absolutely no reason. I think these staff members need to be either demoted or need to be trained and study whatever handbook you have in place for them.

I've edited the messages to hopefully make them easy to read. It was all I was able to screenshot. If he has any counter-evidence of me doing anything actually wrong I'd encourage him to post it here on this thread.


Edit - He either logged off or just decided to ignore me entirely after the last message, not sure which.
Edit - I was told that the Plug.Dj is not run by the server, anything done/said in the Plug.Dj means nothing anymore since it's player owned. I apologize for the misunderstanding on my part.

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Where are the screenshots of chat before that, showing what you said to start this?
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
They're enforcing the rules. Your song was obviously offensive/against the rules and then you continued to pester them about it. You can be banned for being annoying and continuing a conversation that was told to stop, or had no reason to carry on. Lex and Vil have been staff for a very long time and do not need to be re trained or demoted. You have only shown half of the conversation, there isn't much evidence to really understand what actually happened and who said what exactly.

(This it not be be taken in a rude or mean way, this is just my opinion)
- KatNip
If you send us everything you said and everything they said, I bet we'll get a much clearer picture.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
The Staff are teaching you how to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU .
Not everything has to be an argument, but if must be do not do it with a staff, especially an admin.
Ign : BigAssMofo

Joined HT in 2015
MIA since 2017
Back in Action: 2024

I'm not going to restate what has already been stated but I do not see how lex was being abusive in the one minimalist screenshot you showed us
(08-16-2016, 02:58 PM)Penguin Wrote: Where are the screenshots of chat before that, showing what you said to start this?

I didn't get everything, as I said I didn't really screenshot anything because I wasn't expecting it to escalate to this level.

(08-16-2016, 05:28 PM)TheOnlyKat Wrote: They're enforcing the rules. Your song was obviously offensive/against the rules and then you continued to pester them about it. You can be banned for being annoying and continuing a conversation that was told to stop, or had no reason to carry on. Lex and Vil have been staff for a very long time and do not need to be re trained or demoted. You have only shown half of the conversation, there isn't much evidence to really understand what actually happened and who said what exactly.

(This it not be be taken in a rude or mean way, this is just my opinion)

It wasn't offensive. It didn't even have any swears. Just a song people didn't like. I'm also pretty sure that logs of messages can be checked in the console, and I'd encourage anyone who has access to it to check it out.

(08-16-2016, 08:04 PM)Bigassmofo0204 Wrote: The Staff are teaching you how to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU .
Not everything has to be an argument, but if must be do not do it with a staff, especially an admin.

I was asking for an explanation of how I was being disrespectful/rude to anyone. I wasn't looking for an argument, just a way to fix whatever I was doing wrong.
Provide full evidence, go to your chat logs. I know how to do it for Windows but for Mac just google it

Search in cortana %appdata%
Find the .minecraft folder
Find "Logs"
Find the date
Find the log that has the chat and you should find it, screenshot it, and post it here
before you got banned on plug.dj you said to me that I was a kid who sat alone at the lunch table..
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


(08-16-2016, 10:57 PM)The_Epic_Legend Wrote: before you got banned on plug.dj you said to me that I was a kid who sat alone at the lunch table..

If I had screenshots of the things you said to me beforehand I would gladly post them.

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