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Not a real appeal, but I want to know why
so I was on this morning, playing all fine, but for some reason, Kat banned me, but I don't even know why
and she refuses to tell me and my bro, It says innapropriate comments, but, I don't recall saying anything!
I know there is no real appeal, as I was told I could not. but please, just tell me what I did wrong that is all I ask.

edit: I said something like, "don't make people look up lilly's skirt" but that was because Jessinya was saying it.
[Image: 74c08bcaae41e60c2ebf1b451a94a3d5.jpg]
The closest thing Jessinya said was:
[17:14:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Experienced] Jessinya >> wanted her to get someone to ask her out at our school dance yesterday
[17:17:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Experienced] Jessinya >> im gonna get jacob lilly
Nothing was implied about looking up skirts. In addition to that, you know you were fully warned about your comments on the server, in public and private messaging. This has gone on for a while now and you were told to stop. Neither Jess or Lilly had mentioned anything close to what you said in global chat. I showed the message you had put to another staff member, they had agreed for me to ban you due to how many continuous warnings you have had.
[17:18:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP1] ICrookedI >> Dont make them look up her skirt
The reason I refused to tell you why you were banned is because its something to be discussed not through someone else's account. You are the person who is banned, and its your responsibility to find out why, without using other people.
- KatNip
The looking up the skirt, was in reply to an oovoo conversation, that she left, I was getting her attention.

But why was i banned if you didn't know about this?
[Image: 74c08bcaae41e60c2ebf1b451a94a3d5.jpg]
(10-02-2016, 09:52 PM)TheCrookedDoctor Wrote: The looking up the skirt, was in reply to an oovoo conversation, that she left, I was getting her attention.

But why was i banned if you didn't know about this?
Exactly. I didn't know. What you said was unacceptable for global chat, if it happened on oovoo it stays on oovoo. If things are brought over how is staff able to tell the difference? What you had said on the server came across as something that should not of been said and caused your ban. You know that you were warned for the comments you have made in the past, and this is the last. If it was a reply to an oovoo message you should of either private message her or kept it off the server.
- KatNip
Crooked, you have been warned time and time again by multiple staff members, and honestly, you had too many chances to fix your behavior. I warned you again in global just a few days ago and told you that one more incident would be your last.
In regards to your last comment being in reply to an oovoo, what you said was still inappropriate and should never have been on HomeTown. I wasn't online at the time, but from what I know, you made this comment to younger players. This is incredibly inappropriate and you know it is not allowed and those types of comments are not welcomed here.
As for the "you being warned multiple times" part, I personally have spoken to you about this months ago. Sending wildly inappropriate messages and mails wasn't a one time incident, and I don't even want to know what kind of messages you were sending when no staff was online to stop you. I also know that Star had messaged you telling you that you had "one last chance", and I believe it was a while before the /mail incident.

Bottom line Crooked, staff has given you too many chances, and you have abused our rules too many times. We have banned people for much less than what you have done. You knew what you were saying was inappropriate and you knew you needed to stop. When I messaged you about the /mail incident, you told me that other staff members had told you and that you knew that was your last chance. Why you continued to push our limits? I don't know.
[Image: co44lLl.gif]
Now that you know why you've been banned, please make an appeal following the format.
[Image: sVvtyQE.jpg]

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