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Banned by Kiro
Server you were banned on (SMP): HometownMC

Minecraft name: Braccus

Reason for your ban: Kiro's personnel feelings in a private (/pm'd) discussion

Who banned you: Kiro

Why should you be unbanned: 

First, an account from my perspective:

Having a private conversation with Kiro that was disagreed upon resulted in banning me on a mere whim is not the kind of actions moderators should take. I was warned to stop my current discussion in open chat , and i did, resulting in a private conversation with Lexbun. After finding out some further information from lexbun, i was directed to kiro for suggested conversations in the past that i had no idea of were deemed inappropriate. Trying to find out what conversations that were infringed upon me about the past, i delved deeper into the reasoning of Kiro stating for me to STOP stating my opinions, bringing up my opinions, and or what was controversial. This is an adult server and after asking Kiro to state the nature of these past conversations, Kiro increasingly got more and more frustrated with me and my questions because they didn't align. So i stated in open chat, for everyone there to /ignore me. I asked Kiro over and over again, what was the point of having /ignore if one could not state an opinion? Not everyone will agree with everyone. Having a private conversation on an adult server shouldn't result in Moderators, when disagreed with to be able to as a personal affront and exert modly powers to ban. A difference of opinion is a difference of opinion. No personal attack or character judgment assaults were made. It was just an adult discussion (not an argument) between two people at this point, and when one side couldn't see an impasse, took their ball and went home. 

Now that my perspective has been presented, here are the reasons for an unban:

1: When asked to stop in open chat for what was deemed a "controversial" subject, I did, and took it to private chat
2: I have been a member here for a long time, have since enjoyed the server enough to donate, and normally keep to myself
3: I do not intentionally (regardless of what others may say) go "Out of my way" to get on peoples bad side
4: I as well as many others have differing opinions that don't always get agreed upon
5: If an apology be deemed necessary, one will be offered publicly but begrudgingly (I'm adult enough to)
6: Future instances, will either be /ignored or not responded to
7: Ultimately, the decision is not mine, but i do hope to have the ability to return

Why do you want to come back: I do enjoy the non-greifing/rollback functions of this server and always have. The perks that are offered to donating members makes this server one that has many characteristics that others do not. There are of course certain people here that i enjoy talking to, and others i do not. I use the /ignore function for those people. I also enjoy the fact that this server is an adult server and should be kept that way. 
Funny, when I watched you be banned, that certainly wasn't your ban reason given by Kiro. I heard you were argumentative over opinions you had, and I can see it stemming into here. Before you heard her side, you jumped to assuming it was only her personal opinion- which it wasn't. After she responds, if I feel I need to, myself and the other staff member that weighed in on your ban will respond as well.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
(10-05-2016, 08:58 AM)Star Wrote: Funny, when I watched you be banned, that certainly wasn't your ban reason given by Kiro. I heard you were argumentative over opinions you had, and I can see it stemming into here. Before you heard her side, you jumped to assuming it was only her personal opinion- which it wasn't. After she responds, if I feel I need to, myself and the other staff member that weighed in on your ban will respond as well.

I also find it funny that you responded with a controversial comic. What if my views differ from that which you posted? does that make me even more wrong for having a differering opinion? C'mon, really? Are we all that biased as to agree to disagree and go on about our lives? Are we that petty as to let emotions get in the way? A lot can be misconstrued over just text on a page. One can say "Argumentative" and one can say "Having an adult conversation" just by the opinions we hold. Prove me wrong on this.
(10-05-2016, 09:04 AM)Braccus Wrote: I also find it funny that you responded with a controversial comic. What if my views differ from that which you posted? does that make me even more wrong for having a differering opinion? C'mon, really? Are we all that biased as to agree to disagree and go on about our lives? Are we that petty as to let emotions get in the way? A lot can be misconstrued over just text on a page. One can say "Argumentative" and one can say "Having an adult conversation" just by the opinions we hold. Prove me wrong on this.

You do realize that's her forum-signature, right?  It's been there for months.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

(10-05-2016, 09:12 AM)Grimm_Wolfe Wrote:
(10-05-2016, 09:04 AM)Braccus Wrote: I also find it funny that you responded with a controversial comic. What if my views differ from that which you posted? does that make me even more wrong for having a differering opinion? C'mon, really? Are we all that biased as to agree to disagree and go on about our lives? Are we that petty as to let emotions get in the way? A lot can be misconstrued over just text on a page. One can say "Argumentative" and one can say "Having an adult conversation" just by the opinions we hold. Prove me wrong on this.

You do realize that's her forum-signature, right?  It's been there for months.

No i did not Grimm. I haven't been here for months. I took a hiatus to take care of some personal matters. 

But regardless,  the statement i made stands true. That particular comic is another controversial subject matter entirely in and of itself.
(10-05-2016, 09:04 AM)Braccus Wrote:
(10-05-2016, 08:58 AM)Star Wrote: Funny, when I watched you be banned, that certainly wasn't your ban reason given by Kiro. I heard you were argumentative over opinions you had, and I can see it stemming into here. Before you heard her side, you jumped to assuming it was only her personal opinion- which it wasn't. After she responds, if I feel I need to, myself and the other staff member that weighed in on your ban will respond as well.

I also find it funny that you responded with a controversial comic. What if my views differ from that which you posted? does that make me even more wrong for having a differering opinion? C'mon, really? Are we all that biased as to agree to disagree and go on about our lives? Are we that petty as to let emotions get in the way? A lot can be misconstrued over just text on a page. One can say "Argumentative" and one can say "Having an adult conversation" just by the opinions we hold. Prove me wrong on this.

I mean, aside from the age-old comic not trying to incite a heated debate (which as Grimm has said, it's been there for months) it doesn't quash anyone's views. It's an open-ended statement, leading the reader to be able to continue to believe what they want. Then again, you're calling me out on a Calvin and Hobbes strip...

That aside, you've been causing strain for more than just today. As for being petty for letting emotions get in the way, Kiro protected herself from that by asking other staff members their opinions on what should be done. We agreed it was well time to call attention to this where it couldn't be ignored. And you're right- a lot can be misconstrued from text on a page, does this mean you realize how we interpreted what you were trying to do?

As for argumentative vs. having an adult conversation... yeah. Argumentative doesn't always use maturity, and on our server it often deteriorates into fights staff has to step in on. Having an adult conversation means realizing when it's time to stop, or realizing when it's time to not even bring up a topic. (Examples of those to follow when Kiro presents chat logs)
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
Okay, this ends now. This may be a mature server, but it is a private server that we may censor whatever we want in chat. Since you've been here long enough, you should know that on numerous occasions the staff-team has requested people to not bring religious or socio-political topics into chat because they cause unnecessary arguments. Members of the staff-team have cited you on multiple occasions being crude, mongering arguments in chat, and stepping on the staff-team's toes for whatever reason. You may have been here long and may have donated, but that does not put you above others nor will it be considered in your favor.

If you want to continue arguing, then I will happily forum-ban you, too. We do not have to put up with you, we will not put up with you, and–if you get unbanned–you'll be lucky to keep your [Expert]-rank.

This is the line in the sand and your first, final, and only warning you will get from this point on: back down, swallow your pride, and apologize; or be sent packing with a “thank you” note for your donation courtesy of the staff-team.

And before you bring it up, I don’t care if you dig up anything I’ve said as you did before. It is a well-known fact that I am probably the most outspoken, justifiably rude, and controversial staff-member here, which was already addressed to me and corrected by the staff-team on a couple of occasions before–whatever you have is old news.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

Accepted, carry on. My apologies.
As for the appeal, revise it. The ban message is inaccurate, and I will not have you unbanned for an apology that is hardly a sentence. Additionally, you were warned prior to your ban that you were walking on thin ice. I assure you that I did not ban you over "my emotions." I consulted other staff members, and as you still continued to carry on, I banned you. I personally have no tolerance for those that play victims, and the appeal posted is a sob story. Revise the appeal. Own your actions like the mature people we value on this server.
[Image: 4Lj0YCm.gif]

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