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Scenarios of Hypotheticalness
I call my friend who's outside of the room to come and free me and then I walk outside of the room
is it correct?
well here's mine: you are in a room with a single door that open to a cliff, there's no ladder outside of the room, how do you escape alive?
That's my answer

I walk out the window not facing the cliff and walk away.

You are in a room made of unbreakable walls, ceiling and floor. There are no entrances or exits. Find a loophole to escape.

BTW a lot of my questions are ones I have already answered on Quora. So maybe check out my account ;D

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if the walls ceiling and floors are unbreakable, I just assume, I can walk through them like a ghost, and I'm out of the room

You are tied to a rock, you know you can't lift it, you can't untie the rope and you can't get up. how do you escape?
I simply snap the rope and walk off.

You are stuck in a room with unbreakable walls. There are no possible exits or entrances. Can you escape.

All known physics apply
I climb over the wall, as there is no ceiling.

A man sits dead in his car with a bullet hole in his head. The doors are locked, the windows are rolled up, the keys are in the ignition, and no gun is in sight. How is this possible?
No possible exits or entrances

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(03-29-2017, 09:57 PM)firegene Wrote: No possible exits or entrances

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You did not say I am human.

I am a Demi God and destroy the room with my mind.
Aw c'mon. This one's EEEEEASY!
The car is a convertible with the roof down. Whoever shot him ran away.
The world has moved on, they say...

Dan, put in a scenario so the thread can continue

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