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I know Its my third Appeal, but only because I want to show my eager to rejoin this Server & Community, I just dont want to loose my progress ...

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Phantom372

Reason for your ban: Beacon Theft, Gold Block Theft 

Who banned you: Steasaur, because he saw me ...

Why should you be unbanned: Because I really want to play with all of you again, Its a nice Community and a really good server, I want to take part in it.

Why do you want to come back: Because I spent so many great hours on it and I only got 2 days left before heading to Basic Military Training and I really wanted to finish parts of my many Projects on the server before that, because my friends are on there, because I want to Improve the surface of the Area im living in, Because I wanna be a part of this Community, as well as the Discord server, I want to make new friends not enemys on this Server.

Please unban me Sad((  
I understand you are eager to return but multiple ban appeals and personal messages on Discord to me only serve to hurt your appeal.

Please answer the following to be unbanned:

1. Why did you attempt to steal that beacon?

2. What do you think was the right course of action if you wanted a beacon?

3. What have you learned?
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”

“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”

“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “
I'm sorry for attempting to steal the beacon. I shouldn't take things that belong to others, even if it's not claimed. I will follow the rules accordingly, and try to find the place again to return what was not mine.

1: Why did you attempt to steal that beacon?

I had attempted to steal the beacon because I wanted it for my own, and because I knew it was a rare item to acquire.

2: What do you think was the right course of action if you wanted a beacon?

If I wanted the beacon I would have to earn it fairly, such as playing the slot machine daily and craft it myself. Or I could've asked for one, or even bought one. But I didn't cause I wanted it then and there.

3: What have you learned?

I have learned to not take what's not mine. And to not grief what's not claimed. I'm sorry for what I did, and I will try my best to follow the rules, and put back what I took.

Minecraft username: Shadowfox98
I'm truly sorry.. <3
(01-01-2019, 07:46 AM)Shadowfox98 Wrote: I'm sorry for attempting to steal the beacon. I shouldn't take things that belong to others, even if it's not claimed. I will follow the rules accordingly, and try to find the place again to return what was not mine.

1: Why did you attempt to steal that beacon?

I had attempted to steal the beacon because I wanted it for my own, and because I knew it was a rare item to acquire.

2: What do you think was the right course of action if you wanted a beacon?

If I wanted the beacon I would have to earn it fairly, such as playing the slot machine daily and craft it myself. Or I could've asked for one, or even bought one. But I didn't cause I wanted it then and there.

3: What have you learned?

I have learned to not take what's not mine. And to not grief what's not claimed. I'm sorry for what I did, and I will try my best to follow the rules, and put back what I took.

Minecraft username: Shadowfox98
  I'm truly sorry.. <3

Make your own appeal thread, or you won’t be able to get unbanned.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
1. Why did you attempt to steal that beacon?
I only checked at first, after seeing that it was unprotected I wanted to take the blocks too, which I already had plenty of at home, It was completly unnecessary from me.

2. What do you think was the right course of action if you wanted a beacon?
Ask someone If he/she was willing to trade materials to asemble one myself

3. What have you learned?
To be less egoistic and that I should lean back and think for a second what Im doing and why Im doing it

Happy New Year to yall
You have been unbanned.

Any blocks that you took that may have in your inventory when you log in need to be returned to staff upon your return.

Welcome back to HomeTown!
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”

“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”

“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “

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