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ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: candivore 

Reason for your ban: grief

Who banned you: uber
Why should you be unbanned: I learned my lesson from the ban and i wont do it again.
Why do you want to come back: i Enjoy the server, people and this server is cool and special i wont grief again.
Answer the following questions; if you do not put enough effort into the answers your appeal will be denied.

1) Are you allowed add/delete/harvest anybody else's built blocks (not natural), fenced in plants or fenced in animals?

2) If a player is banned can you take over their build?

3) If a build is abandoned can you remove any part of it?

4) If you accidentally break another players block what should you do?

5) What have you learned from this experience?
[Image: keez3aZ.png]
1) Are you allowed add/delete/harvest anybody else's built blocks (not natural), fenced in plants or fenced in animals? No

2) If a player is banned can you take over their build? No

3) If a build is abandoned can you remove any part of it? No 

4) If you accidentally break another players block what should you do? Place it back.

5) What have you learned from this experience? Dont grief without permission
"if you do not put enough effort into the answers your appeal will be denied." Appeal Denied. Please put more effort into your appeal.
(12-21-2020, 10:57 AM)UberDeathBunny Wrote: "if you do not put enough effort into the answers your appeal will be denied." Appeal Denied. Please put more effort into your appeal.
I got banned for griefing.
I know griefing is bad because people are grinding for materials and someone destroys the hard work and uses the materials for getting better and griefing is also bad because it ruins the experience, effort, makes people angry, and steals fun from the game. I griefed a beacon for few blocks made out of emeralds because I wanted to trade with villagers. I learned not to grief farmlands, blocks, etc even if the build is abandoned only harvest if the blocks are natural like trees, pumpkins from the forest not from a farm. 
The admin did good work and is fair for the people breaking the rules. 
Please unban me because everyone needs another chance, the environment is really friendly and I want to play with my friends. 

Sincerely yours Candivore
I will give you another chance. Welcome back to HomeTown, I have removed all of the emeralds from the chests that you have. Please follow the rules in the future.
(02-01-2021, 10:44 PM)UberDeathBunny Wrote: I will give you another chance. Welcome back to HomeTown, I have removed all of the emeralds from the chests that you have. Please follow the rules in the future.

now that you have appealed the original ban you can now make the appeal to Mel for the ban evasion.

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