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Poll: Option 1 or Option 2?
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Option 1
78 42.16%
Option 2
107 57.84%
Total 185 vote(s) 100%
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Official Poll on Reset
(07-09-2016, 08:52 AM)Thorsassin Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 08:26 AM)Grimm_Wolfe Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 07:44 AM)Thorsassin Wrote: The server for the most part is fine, nothing is in dire need of a fix
This statement is ignoring what I said.  I said, we need to fix the issues on the server, not a fresh start because players are bored.  The way you're wording your statement makes the whole reset issue a personalized attack on yourself and your resources, when it is not the case.

Were you here for the whole /rand debate?  Server overcrowding is an issue and a personal anecdote does not support the overall statement you're making.

Also, you have to be aware that people have lost their balances, their /homes, and warps recently, right?  In what world is that not a dire issue needing to be addressed?  That was a server-wide error caused by its current state.  Saying otherwise is–to say the least–illogical, or–at its extreme–delusional.

I'm speaking from what i read the past week in the many reset threads, not all directly at you, my bad for replying to the full quote. But i did have parts that i wanted to reply to, like the overcrowding. No i was not here for that debate, i'm interested to see what supports the overcrowding issue though. But for arguments sake, lets say there is, then why do a full reset, when there are less extreme options like some of the ones i have already said.

Yes, i'm one of those people that lost their homes and even balance, but lucky enough for me, balance was pretty much known so was easy to get back. My homes not so much, must have lost around 50+ of them, not all were important, and i did get my main home, old home, farm and a few others. I agree it is a dire issue, but one where the entire server needs to be reset because of it? From what i can tell, it didn't affect the majority of players, and for some players like myself we got some of our stuff back, seems for lack of better word contained to a small few.

There is an overcrowding issue, it was already identified, debated, and addressed via a /rand command that was fought against by people.  It's a band-aid that will only go so far from a practical standpoint and a world-size increase was already deemed not an option in that old debate thread.  Saying there is no overcrowding issue–or trying to argue in alternate methods–was already addressed long before the reset debate resurfaced.

You're also contradicting yourself.  You originally claimed there were no dire issues and now are agreeing there is a dire issue, which one is it?  You're also–again–ignoring or not comprehending what I am saying.  I said, the whole issue with the money, warps, and money was caused by a server-wide error which was due to its current state, which a reset would fix.  To answer your question; yes, a reset would fix the issue and help prevent more issues from surfacing in the near-future.  We also do not know how many people were affected; it could be more given how many players are relatively inactive.  We won't know until they log-in.  We only know that few regulars were affected and they were partially recompensated.

TL;DR: I'm tired of half-measure solutions that need constant maintenance in the long-term; let's just rip the band-aid off and get it over with.  Reset the server.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

I have been on HT for just over 2 years.  In that time, I have made 6 major bases, a handful of smaller bases, 30+ rabbit/mooshcow delivery depots, and a really long railroad.

My main base had NO ONE within 1000 blocks in any direction when I started building it.  Now there is no place for someone to build a base of similar size nearby without running afoul of the 100 block rule.

I have thought of starting fresh on another server or with an alt on HT.

Between moderator grief repair and my rabbit delivery service, I routinely see large areas of the server.  Yes, there are large areas of under-developed land, but I rarely fly more than 1000 blocks over land without seeing a build, and 2000 over the larger oceans.  It is becoming routine for conscientious new players to ask me to fly around to ensure no builds are too close -- and I am vetoing sites more often than not.  I fly at speed 0.4 with animals to all corners of the server -- I rarely see a nice build that does not have some grief -- and that slow speed (around walking speed) lets me really look at each build I fly over.  Oh man, there are many really nice builds out there!

The /rand has greatly increased the grief damage to remote areas.  Some of the last few griefers I cleaned up after, did a bit of damage to a build, /rand several times, and damaged another build.  In the course of a few hours, the last griefer hit 6 widely separated builds.  I have seen more damage to my remote bases in the last few months with /rand than the previous whole year.  I REALLY DON'T LIKE /RAND WITHOUT BETTER GRIEF PROTECTION!

If you have really nice big builds that are nice memories, then option 1 with griefer's /rand'ing everywhere will trash those memories.  We can only log and rollback a few months worth, so you have to log in regularly and get grief fixed -- or forget those memories.  BUT these trashed builds are blocking new players from building large bases and towns.

Staff are looking at different grief protection tools to find better ones.  These will not protect the old builds in option 1.

Option 2 preserves these memories.  Griefers cannot touch the old builds.  With a whole new world on a new server, any better grief protection tool will protect builds from the start of the build.  Even with our current p-stones and coreprotect, staff has a better chance to keep up on a new world while the old builds are preserved in a separate world.

The economy is another concern of mine.  My bal is $2,770 -- I rarely spend -- mostly $250 inv repair of tools, warps and buying access to auto-farms.  I maintain shop chests in 3 separate market areas and if option 1 is picked, I will be removing my chests from 2 for sure (/warp market and /warp store) and maybe /warp rabbits as well.  It is just NOT worth my game time to keep those chests stocked at the current low prices.  New players come in with $100 each, enough to buy 70 diamonds -- WTF -- survival server -- NOT.  I find building farms soothing -- witness the melon/tree/pumpkin farms I build at /warp resource -- if I am not selling the stuff to recoup the game time investment -- why play on HT?

I am not a pretty builder.  But I have fond memories of what I built.  Would be nice to come back in a year and see my bases and railroad intact.  I have the computing resources to download the 30GB world and run it at home -- but why should I -- being able to get on HT with new friends and show them old builds would be reinvigorating if I have slowed down on MC -- no way that I want to run an Internet facing copy of the old world.

I accepted a staff position to help combat the grief happening on my really long railroad and to give back.  Somewhat interesting but not enough to keep me playing MC on HT.

I voted option 2.

Without an economy fix, I am losing interest in HT.  A refresh would get the juices going too.

Without option 2 protection of my old memories, why even come back if I have to leave for a month -- my wife and I just signed a contract an hour ago for a full electrical, plumbing, kitchen and bathroom renovation of my house -- I need internet for work, but my cell data plan can tide me over if necessary while we move out -- but no MC if that happens -- I hope to keep fast internet with little or no interruption but shit happens when dealing with Canada's telco's for moving services to a rental house and back within months.

No, the other staff can't protect my memories.  They don't visit my builds on a regular basis and rollback grief before the logs are pruned.  Another few months with griefers using /rand and all the nice builds by inactive players will be trashed.
(07-09-2016, 09:38 AM)Grimm_Wolfe Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 08:52 AM)Thorsassin Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 08:26 AM)Grimm_Wolfe Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 07:44 AM)Thorsassin Wrote: The server for the most part is fine, nothing is in dire need of a fix
This statement is ignoring what I said.  I said, we need to fix the issues on the server, not a fresh start because players are bored.  The way you're wording your statement makes the whole reset issue a personalized attack on yourself and your resources, when it is not the case.

Were you here for the whole /rand debate?  Server overcrowding is an issue and a personal anecdote does not support the overall statement you're making.

Also, you have to be aware that people have lost their balances, their /homes, and warps recently, right?  In what world is that not a dire issue needing to be addressed?  That was a server-wide error caused by its current state.  Saying otherwise is–to say the least–illogical, or–at its extreme–delusional.

I'm speaking from what i read the past week in the many reset threads, not all directly at you, my bad for replying to the full quote. But i did have parts that i wanted to reply to, like the overcrowding. No i was not here for that debate, i'm interested to see what supports the overcrowding issue though. But for arguments sake, lets say there is, then why do a full reset, when there are less extreme options like some of the ones i have already said.

Yes, i'm one of those people that lost their homes and even balance, but lucky enough for me, balance was pretty much known so was easy to get back. My homes not so much, must have lost around 50+ of them, not all were important, and i did get my main home, old home, farm and a few others. I agree it is a dire issue, but one where the entire server needs to be reset because of it? From what i can tell, it didn't affect the majority of players, and for some players like myself we got some of our stuff back, seems for lack of better word contained to a small few.

There is an overcrowding issue, it was already identified, debated, and addressed via a /rand command that was fought against by people.  It's a band-aid that will only go so far from a practical standpoint and a world-size increase was already deemed not an option in that old debate thread.  Saying there is no overcrowding issue–or trying to argue in alternate methods–was already addressed long before the reset debate resurfaced.

You're also contradicting yourself.  You originally claimed there were no dire issues and now are agreeing there is a dire issue, which one is it?  You're also–again–ignoring or not comprehending what I am saying.  I said, the whole issue with the money, warps, and money was caused by a server-wide error which was due to its current state, which a reset would fix.  To answer your question; yes, a reset would fix the issue and help prevent more issues from surfacing in the near-future.  We also do not know how many people were affected; it could be more given how many players are relatively inactive.  We won't know until they log-in.  We only know that few regulars were affected and they were partially recompensated.

TL;DR: I'm tired of half-measure solutions that need constant maintenance in the long-term; let's just rip the band-aid off and get it over with.  Reset the server.

I agreed it's a dire issue yes, that happens in discussions, but not a reason for a reset in my opinion. the server is worth keeping as is with its band aids with only a few regulars affected so far and for the most part recompensated. Basically while its serious, it's not game breaking for every player on the server where the server needs to be reset.
IGN: Genocore
Lots of Essay-kun here, I'm eating popcorn here, trying to analyze the whole mess, as a regular that I am now, I have gotten lots of bugs, glitches, and I have lost many stuff, thanks to Server Errors, the most logical solution for this is to reset the server, as all saves, they all have a limit, this server has reached it.

IGN: Rashky
Option 1.

I'd say Option 2 if the old world could be placed in spectator mode rather than adventure. I'd like to be able to fly around so that I can see all the details of my taller builds and replicate them. It will also be useful for viewing old builds underground or in closed off locations.
I know that it says Experienced+ would be able to go into creative mode, but spectator seems much more practical and fairer to all players.
(07-09-2016, 10:12 AM)Susiron Wrote: Option 1.

I'd say Option 2 if the old world could be placed in spectator mode rather than adventure. I'd like to be able to fly around so that I can see all the details of my taller builds and replicate them

Flying will be enabled, that should be enough, don't you think? Spectator would be violating privacy and the building rights of players.
Option 2 we want a complete reset
Will balances be set to 0 or to 100, like when you first start the game?

EDIT: Sorry to bother u guys, but IF the server does reset, when will it, cause I'm going out of town for some time
- HorseGirl7311 • Horse • Miss. Horse -
 - Owner of /warp horse_xp - New Spider Spawner -
Option 2 is the harder choice but better in long term.
Susiron, I believe the wording could be better. Option 2 will allow flying in the old world. Not as flexible as spectator.

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