07-19-2016, 10:52 AM
GG. I think I'm done here.
I join, and for two weeks, myself and my best friend absolutely loved it here on HTMC.
I had plans to build a huge town of detailed buildings for people to live in (maybe a city), I was working on a god-enchanted item set, had farms going, was making business, the money wasn't hard nor easy to get as some complain about,and will likely yell at me in a comment down below about >.> and everyone was friendly as could be!
Staff were great, building was fun, items were able to be accessed more easily than they are...
My money I had grinded hours for; gone
(and everyone else's years of work)
My house I put love into; gone too! <3
(What about people's month-long project mansions? hm?)
all farms, mob grinders, warps, gone
items, god items, gone
special event items and places of memory, poof
Normally, I'd be okay with starting over, but... Due to life issues, the people I usually hang out with are all gone and one is unable to play MC until they get a new laptop (And their family is poor.) And if there's anything I hate more, it's being alone.
I suggested a fix to a problem that WILL happen again, and staff just.. idk if you are tired or what, but it got ignored and shut down in 10 seconds flat. Have fun listening to the problem be asked again and again. It'll have to be changed eventually.
Finding land was hard without /rand and all this "essential" stuff, I was lucky because a random person tpa'd me and I just walked over a hill and said "Here."
All the goodies are already gone, honestly, what with the End being raided, the nether apparently "Might have some quartz somewhere" as quoted, and the overworld only has so much to offer after a while. Not to mention the groups of friends who take over the server and all the goodies, leaving us casual players scratching our heads wondering why they didn't leave us any fun. I'm really disappointed and it's possible I'm just sleep-deprived, bored, annoyed at the loss of friends, crabby, touchy, maybe all the above, I really can't tell by this point. I hope the server stays.. I know a lot of people are actually pissed.. I've watched people join, then leave once they hear about the new change. Stay strong, I'd hate seeing this server die out when things are trying to be fixed.
I don't want to bash anyone, seem like I'm being passive aggressive, or rude to the server itself, but.. god, was all this worth your while for all this pain, people joining and asking the SAME THING over and over, losing all your stuff, etc?
The confused and not-alone-in-this-post,
~ Xelithorian
I join, and for two weeks, myself and my best friend absolutely loved it here on HTMC.
I had plans to build a huge town of detailed buildings for people to live in (maybe a city), I was working on a god-enchanted item set, had farms going, was making business, the money wasn't hard nor easy to get as some complain about,
Staff were great, building was fun, items were able to be accessed more easily than they are...

My money I had grinded hours for; gone
(and everyone else's years of work)
My house I put love into; gone too! <3
(What about people's month-long project mansions? hm?)
all farms, mob grinders, warps, gone
items, god items, gone
special event items and places of memory, poof

Normally, I'd be okay with starting over, but... Due to life issues, the people I usually hang out with are all gone and one is unable to play MC until they get a new laptop (And their family is poor.) And if there's anything I hate more, it's being alone.
I suggested a fix to a problem that WILL happen again, and staff just.. idk if you are tired or what, but it got ignored and shut down in 10 seconds flat. Have fun listening to the problem be asked again and again. It'll have to be changed eventually.

Finding land was hard without /rand and all this "essential" stuff, I was lucky because a random person tpa'd me and I just walked over a hill and said "Here."
All the goodies are already gone, honestly, what with the End being raided, the nether apparently "Might have some quartz somewhere" as quoted, and the overworld only has so much to offer after a while. Not to mention the groups of friends who take over the server and all the goodies, leaving us casual players scratching our heads wondering why they didn't leave us any fun. I'm really disappointed and it's possible I'm just sleep-deprived, bored, annoyed at the loss of friends, crabby, touchy, maybe all the above, I really can't tell by this point. I hope the server stays.. I know a lot of people are actually pissed.. I've watched people join, then leave once they hear about the new change. Stay strong, I'd hate seeing this server die out when things are trying to be fixed.
I don't want to bash anyone, seem like I'm being passive aggressive, or rude to the server itself, but.. god, was all this worth your while for all this pain, people joining and asking the SAME THING over and over, losing all your stuff, etc?
The confused and not-alone-in-this-post,
~ Xelithorian
Otherwise known as Xelbot. Creator, engineer, thinker. Nice to meet you!