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Away time
Hey guys,

Hope the new-found life in the server is good Smile

Myself and CrimsonLaw23 (partner who also plays on the server) are having a bit of away time at the moment.

Crimson was rushed into hospital earlier this week with complications and after 3 days gave birth to our daughter. Both Mummy and baby are a little bit poorly at the moment however due to some complications and a long stay in hospital has been needed. 

No doubt Mummy will make a return to the server in the very near future, but for a little while it may be sporadic as in regards to as and when I get online, if at all.
Congratulations! I hope everything turns out ok! Hope to see you guys soon!
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop

Congratulations to you 3! Hope everyone mends soon and will meet us here in HT, well, maybe in time for the next HT reset for the little one Smile

Grab sleep every chance you get. And put her to sleep in her crib -- don't rock her or hold her to get her to sleep at night. Took us 13 months to realize our first-born son expected to be in our arms every 90 minute sleep cycle when instinct says to check if the world is alright. Longest period of sleep deprivation my wife and I ever had -- only took 2 nights for the switch to sleeping the night once we knew how. Oh, but do hold and rock her for her daytime nap -- holding a sleeping baby, who is now quiet, is heaven Smile
Congratulations on the new baby!! I hope everything is okay with you guys. See you soon.

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