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Taking A Break
I feel its time I take a littler break from hometown.

    The reasoning for this is because I have been more frustrated by the players and staff recently for things I have done that are little and insignificant. For buildcopr I will be on and offline to Finnish some builds for people I promised for but after that I'm out. CILagald Sorry for firing you Its not legitimate . I was miss informed and I was only doing it because it sounded like a building company and I was doing it so you could focus on you business. and Star I am sorry that I was not listening yes it was totally unfair but guess what I was not trying to stop him from building it. I just did not have time to explain everything before the accusations came along and I kept being kicked for spam even though it was not spam. I did it in public because my /msg was not working to no matter anybody I try to message. But still I was only firing him because I thought it was a building company and I wanted him to work on it for him self and not be heald back buy buildcorp. I was not trying to stop him and I was not trying to threaten him I was letting him know and warning him because of information that was messaged to me by Sebastian. Sorry . and for the Whole "I WILL DESTORY HIS BUISSNESS " stuff there is reasoning for that as well. I was talking about it that way because I was in that part of the moment where I thought that it was going to be a building company . and The last time there was a major verity in building company's buildcorp still ended on top and I was saying that only because it was out of experience I did not actually mean it as IM GONNA SABOTAUGE  I don't do that. so yeah again sorry I'm out. Felt there should be an explanation for everything that was said so yeah
I'm gonna miss you Ghost.
I hope the time away will help clear your head <3
"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin, or their background or their religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
~Nelson Mandela
Cya around Ghost
- KatNip

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