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Poll: your opinion ? :o
Your so awesome I might just give you a cookie Big Grin
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JoBot's Intro :oooo
I thought I already made an intro on the new forum.. I guess I did not XD so here I go.

Hello I am JoBot2014. I live in England and I love to play sandbox games such as Minecraft Big Grin 

I also have a passion for science, especially  space Smile  

I have been on hometown for a wile now and I got Expert (It was called Trusted at the time) in April of 2015.

So please donate cookies to me because I go through tons per week xD 

See ya all online soon <3
Thanks for reading my post :3

- Joined: August 2014
- Became Trusted rank in April 2015
Hey Jo!
- KatNip
Welcome to the new forums
[Image: gif-images-cool-1.gif]

Yo Jo, Hey that rhymed!
Mechanic, Landrover lover, dont let me near a welder and an oxy torch Big Grin

[Image: CZo9VnF.png]
Heya there Smile
Hey Jobot. Glad to see someone else that likes science and space as well. You should soo work for spaceX to teach them how to land a rocket back on earth without tipping over.

CNN coverage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naocwGfgyg8

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