Server you were banned on (SMP):
Minecraft name: Baozii
Reason for your ban: x-ray
Who banned you: vilneas
Why should you be unbanned: I have been banned for using a x-ray texture pack, I admit that when i got banned I instantly DELETED The x-ray/texture pack. I am extremely sorry for hacking and I know that I broke the rules, I'm really REALLY sorry for using the x-ray i will never use it again. I will never hack or scam on the server again and if anyone finds me doing so you can ban me if you wish.
Why do you want to come back: I have only playing Hometownmc for 2 days, but I already love the server and very enjoy playing the server with my friends.I'm not good at writing and tried my best to write this appeal.I am really looking forward to joining back as a chance to start over and never break any of the rules ever again!
Minecraft name: Baozii
Reason for your ban: x-ray
Who banned you: vilneas
Why should you be unbanned: I have been banned for using a x-ray texture pack, I admit that when i got banned I instantly DELETED The x-ray/texture pack. I am extremely sorry for hacking and I know that I broke the rules, I'm really REALLY sorry for using the x-ray i will never use it again. I will never hack or scam on the server again and if anyone finds me doing so you can ban me if you wish.
Why do you want to come back: I have only playing Hometownmc for 2 days, but I already love the server and very enjoy playing the server with my friends.I'm not good at writing and tried my best to write this appeal.I am really looking forward to joining back as a chance to start over and never break any of the rules ever again!