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definitions of ownership/property in rulebook
I was recently banned (pending appeal) for taking from what appeared to be an abandoned build. I'm new-ish on this server still, and did not think I was out of bounds from the rulebook, because nothing I touched was claimed. I had always thought claimed=owned, not claimed=chancing it to strangers. This idea is supported by the warning that comes up when you build out of your claim, warning you that what you're doing is not protected. After reading other ban appeals, i can also see I'm certainly not the first person to have this apparent misconception.
   The enforcer who banned me says that where I was was owned, despite not being claimed. If it is possible to own something without claiming it merely by being the first one to change blocks there, what stops me or anyone from placing a small shelter  every 100 blocks across a swath of the map (per the existing rules) and thus rendering a huge area unbuildable for everyone because I "own" it (by the banners reasoning, anyway).
   My point in this post is not to say that what I did was right or that nothing should have happened (well, maybe a little) but really to bring attention to this weak spot in the rules. There needs be a concise definition of what constitutes ownership on the server, and how that relates to a claim or not.
You are not allowed to modify anyone's build regardless of weather they've been offline for a very long time. The warnings are because people still think that it's funny and totally ok to go around and modify people's builds that they've spent a long time making. And FYI being offline for 3 days doesn't mean I've abandoned a build, it's called having a break cause shits busy at school.
Yeah that's all been established, but if you read my post you'll see that's not what I'm talking about. Obviously this has been an issue (read some ban appeals) so shouldn't there be something to lay out what constitutes property/ownership so newer people know about this before the issue even comes up? I think there should be. It's not exactly a bold or outlandish request to want better/clearer rules. Not like I'm asking for x ray or something..
It's easy: you own something when you built it or pay someone to built it for you or you discovered it first and claimed it with signs and yes it's peoples right to build on a free area no matter how huge it is
(06-26-2017, 07:48 AM)damagManInKilt Wrote: what stops me or anyone from placing a small shelter  every 100 blocks across a swath of the map (per the existing rules) and thus rendering a huge area unbuildable for everyone because I "own" it

Actually, people do this all the time.  It's a common practice.  Though, my understanding (staff, please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this) is that in order to retain your claim to such an area, you have to be actively working in it, not just letting it sit idle for long periods, or your claim to it can be called into question even if you're still active on the server.

As far as old builds by long-absent members, you can always ask a staff member to come and evaluate the situation.  If the original builder hasn't signed on in ages, the area might be deemed abandoned and available for others to build in.  But in that case, anything they left behind would have to be removed by staff.  You can't just cannibalize the build.

Bottom line: if in doubt, ask staff.

Also, the rules as put forth here in the forums clearly state (emphasis mine):

1:  On Griefing – Punishment: Lv. 1 – 3

  A.  Do not modify any build that is not yours without the permission of the build owner.  This includes the addition or subtraction of any gameplay element from one’s build, such as: blocks, crops, items, animals, NPCs, etc. 
  B.  Even if a build appears abandoned, is abandoned, or is griefed already, one does not have the right to grief it.

The /rules command on the server (to which the tutorial directs you when you first sign on) will likewise tell you:

[9]  DO NOT GRIEF.  This includes: Modifying builds that are not yours, killing animals, and killing players outside pvp area.

Note that the rules do not stipulate 'builds that belong to/are claimed by someone else.'  They say: 'builds that are not yours.'  So the question of whether or not claim blocks were used to secure an area is moot.  If you didn't build it, or formally acquire it from whoever did, it's not yours.
I see you've been unbanned since this post. I hope you've got the ownership issues figured out, but if not staff can always answer questions.
These stupid bots need to leave
I remember you asked if you could build there and we all said no
I set a home at a monument and had a platform nearby with chests on and someone claimed it?

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