This is a PSA directed to everyone!! Just wanted to say dont react it is trademarked you will be sued!!!!! Just wanted to warn everyone

Have a great day!

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PSA dont react plz
(02-05-2016, 08:03 AM)Alyex227 Wrote: The joke has been worn out within an hour, the trademark has already been taken off yet they're still idiots, this has absolutely nothing to do with this forum or anything on it.
I know off topic section of the forums has been lately ridden with nonsense posts, but do us all a favour and try to not contribute to that.
(02-05-2016, 02:10 PM)Veo Wrote: wow alyex y u heff to be med is only game
(02-06-2016, 02:03 AM)Alyex227 Wrote:Oh my God lmao I'm gonna get sued but you react =COMMENT REMOVED BY FINE BROS=(02-05-2016, 02:10 PM)Veo Wrote: wow alyex y u heff to be med is only game
I wasn't mad, being mad would be reacting, and I don't want to be sued.